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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

List Of Foods That May Help You Sleep

If you are having difficulty sleeping below is a list of foods that may help you sleep better
(Cherries) contain melatonin, a substance also found in the human body that helps regulate sleep. cherry
(Turkey)  is a rich source of the amino acid tryptophan.

(Oatmeal) is high in melatonin, oatmeal is warm and comforting, which will help you relax

(Bananas) are high in melatonin and also contain magnesium, which is a natural muscle relaxer.

(Almonds) are another food high in magnesium; almond butter on banana slices are a good bedtime

(Popcorn) may help to boost your serotonin levels, but to get a good night's sleep do not add butter or oil. Fats slow down digestion, which may disrupt your sleep cycle.

(Sesame Seeds) Ounce for ounce, sesame seeds contain the same amount of tryptophan as turkey, but with less fat and protein so they may help you sleep even better than the traditional Thanksgiving meal.

(Wine)  One glass of wine may help you sleep, but more than a single glass could have the opposite effect. Both red and white wine contain melatonin, but too much alcohol may delay the start of and shorten REM sleep.

(Figs) contain tryptophan and enough simple sugars to cause insulin to clear the bloodstream of other amino acids.

(Onions) have the ability to relax muscles, and may consequently help to relieve an underlying cause of insomnia.

(Lettuce)  contains an opium-related substance combined with traces of the anticramping agent hyoscyarnin  so they can promote healthy sleep.

(Red bell peppers) are high in vitamin C, which reduces the stress hormone cortisol in your body. Cortisol may cause weight gain and cause trouble falling asleep. Eating foods that negate the effects of cortisol may lead to a better night's sleep.

(Dairy products) such as milk, ice cream, yogurt and cheese contain both tryptophan and calcium; the calcium is used by your body to help convert tryptophan to melatonin. A glass of warm milk before bed may not be just another old wives tale. Warm milk is a psychological throwback to infancy, when a warm bottle was a signal to relax and feel safe and secure.

(Tea) although caffeine is off-limits before bedtime, there’s nothing wrong with having a cup of decaffeinated tea before bed. Chamomile and green tea are the best choices for an evening drink. In fact, green tea contains theanine, which helps you fall asleep.

Everyone has trouble sleeping from time to time. But if you frequently have insomnia, see your doctor to find out what steps you can take to improve your sleep.

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