We Activate Families To Become Fit N Free For Life

Friday, January 16, 2015

Egg and Spoon Race

thCACQCMA7You will need a teaspoon and plastic Easter egg or golf ball for each participant. Of course, you’re free to use real eggs instead of the alternative, but it could get messy. Use some sort of marker to determine the starting line and finish line. It may be easiest to put two strips of masking tape on the floor. Each child should stand at the starting line with their teaspoon and egg. Help the children to balance their egg on their teaspoon.

Tell the children to hold one arm behind their back during the race and let them know they cannot use this arm to help balance the egg. You may need to remind them during the race, too, as they will have a tendency to use both arms for support.

Explain that when you say “go,” the kids should walk or run as fast as they can to the finish line without dropping the egg from their spoon. If their egg falls off, they must return to the starting line and begin again. Whoever reaches the finish line first without dropping their egg is the winner.

To make it interesting, you may want to make the course a little challenging by having the children walk around furniture or take several laps from the starting line to the finish line. As with most activities, you don’t have to wait for a group of children to play. You and your child can play together or you can use a stopwatch to time how long it takes them to reach the finish line.

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