We Activate Families To Become Fit N Free For Life

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


This exercise improves:
• Gross motor coordination
• Lower body
• Rhythm
• Language learning
By teaching a child to skip, you must first show him how it’s done. With a slow demonstration so he can see each movement, skip around the room. Explain what you are doing and ask him to mimic your movements.
At first, hold his hand and do it together. Show in detail each of the steps. Repeat the words “step, hop” to him as you do it. He may find it awkward at first. If you notice frustration, take a break and try it again some other time.
To help the child stay focused, it will help to continue saying “step, hop” as he skips on his own. This is only necessary until he gets the hang of it. Playing fun music while skipping will also help him enjoy the activity more and get into a rhythm.

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