We Activate Families To Become Fit N Free For Life

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best Chicken Salad Recipe

Most chicken salad recipes contain loads of mayonnaise or dairy products, but not this one. A simple can of coconut milk makes this salad deliciously creamy while roasted chiles, fresh cilantro, sweet fruit and crunchy pecans really bring the flavor. Serve on large butter lettuce leaves. Makes: 8 Servings
Here's what you need... For the Creamy Coconut Dressing:
  • 1 (14oz) can coconut milk, full fat
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil, melted
  • 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
  • lemon zest (all you can get from one small lemon)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • dash salt
  • dash pepper
For the Salad:
  • 1 cup celery, finely chopped
  • 1 cup red grapes, halved
  • 1/2 cup pecans, chopped
  • 1 apple, finely chopped
  • 4oz can mild chopped green chiles
  • 1 lb roasted chicken, chopped
  1. For the Creamy Coconut Dressing: Combine all of the ingredients in a medium bowl. Whisk well and then set in the fridge to chill while you prepare the salad.
  2. For the Salad: Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Add the creamy coconut dressing and mix well. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with large lettuce leaves and Dijon mustard.
Nutritional Analysis: 286 calories, 20g fat, 80mg sodium, 6g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 19g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Here’s the #1 Fitness Tip

Here’s the #1 Fitness Tip

You're going to love me for this tip because it's so simple and yet it makes all of the difference when it comes to your fitness results.

The sad truth is that more than 90 percent of gym goers fail to achieve the level of results they want—even after a full year of faithfully going through their routine.
Maybe you can relate.

It doesn't have to be this way. I believe that you deserve to get the highest level of results possible from that valuable time that you invest in exercise.

The simple concept below has the power to dramatically accelerate your fitness results...

The results you achieve are equal to the intensity of your workout.
In other words, you get what you give when it comes to exercise and results.
If you simply go through the motions, while staying in your comfort zone, then results will always be a hope for tomorrow and not today's reality.

So what exactly do I mean when I say intensity?

Intensity is a measure of how much energy you're expending while exercising. The harder you push yourself, the higher your intensity. When you're simply going through the motions of a routine, without digging down and giving it your all, the workout lacks intensity and your results will disappoint.

During your workout pay attention to how you feel. Could you be working harder? If the honest answer is yes, then step it up a notch. It's worth it...

In addition to seeing awesome results quickly, there are two more benefits to bringing up your exercise intensity.

The first benefit is that when you bring the intensity you're able to shorten exercise time. This means less time spent sweating away in the gym and more time doing the things you really love. All while getting even better results than with longer, low intensity workouts.

The second benefit is the after burn that you'll experience after an intense workout. Simply put, this means that your body will continue to burn extra calories long after you have finished exercising.

Talk about supercharging your results! Just imagine how quickly your body could transform when you begin to harness the power of exercise intensity.

One thing to remember - it's important that you never sacrifice proper form in favor of intensity. As soon as your form starts to be compromised, reduce your intensity to where proper form is achieved.

I'm here to help you transform your body (and your whole life!) through the power of fitness.
Call or email today to get started on a fitness plan that will bring the intensity and deliver the results.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Monday, December 29, 2014

Tuna Cakes

Since the drive thru value meal is not an option for you (your standards are way too high for that!), here's a quick and cost effective meal that delivers both in taste and nutrition. Serve with some plain Greek yogurt mixed with lemon juice and fresh chopped dill. Servings: 8
Here's what you need:
  • 3 (5oz) cans albacore tuna, in water
  • 2 omega-3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 2 Tablespoons flax seeds, ground
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh dill, minced; or 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • dash black pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  1. Drain the tuna and flake into a medium size bowl. Add the eggs, lemon, Dijon, flax, dill and pepper. Mix well.
  2. In a large skillet place the olive oil over medium heat. Form the tuna mixture into 8 patties. Flatten each patty onto the skillet and cook for 3 minutes per side.
Nutritional Analysis: 108 calories, 5g fat, 182mg sodium, .4g carbs, .3g fiber, 15g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Getting To Your Fitness Goal in 5 Steps

You want to get into better shape, to drop the fat and to increase your tone and strength.
Join the club…most people are actively working toward an elusive fitness goal.

So what separates those who end up achieving their goals from the rest of the masses who are trapped in a fruitless struggle?

Winston Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said, "Never, never, never, never give up."
The bottom line is that it is possible to achieve any fitness goal when you lock on to it and strive towards it every day. Unfortunately distractions are everywhere, making it easy to fall off track.

This brings us to the classic Henry Ford quote, "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

In order to stay the course it is vital that you keep your eyes on the goal.

Here's how to get to your goal in 5 Steps:

Step One: Only One At A Time When you're feeling motivated, and decide to set a goal, it's tempting to become over-ambitious by setting multiple goals. While it's great that you want to improve many things about yourself, the pressure of trying to achieve more than one goal at once will cause you to drop all the goals and go back to status quo.
Focus in on the one goal that you really want to achieve first, and focus all of your efforts onto this goal with laser-like force. There will be plenty of time in the future to see to your other goals, but for now see your number one goal all the way through to completion.

Step Two: Start Slow Another pitfall that often results in dropped goals is the act of starting out too fast and too strong. If your goal in fitness is to drop 6 pant sizes and to exercise 5 times a week, do not (I repeat, DO NOT) go out and hit the gym hard for the next 5 days in a row. You'll be so sore that I guarantee you'll stop all progress the following week and your goal will be put back on a shelf.
Take a deep breath and remember that this isn't a race. This is your life, and it's you against yourself. Start out slow and steady and gradually build as you progress toward your goal. Don't allow self-induced fatigue to get in your way.

Step Three: Know Your Reasons Why Why is this goal so important to you? There are probably many reasons, and you should know every single one of them. Write down each and every possible reason you can come up with as to why your goal needs to be met.
Intimately get to know the 'reasons why' this goal is so important to you. You should have them memorized and should recite them every single day. Remember what Ford said - when you take your eyes of your goal you'll see loads and loads of obstacles. Keep your eyes locked onto that goal by filling your mind with all of the 'reasons why' you're going to see this thing through.

Step Four: Think About It Along with thinking about your reasons for accomplishing your goal, it's also helpful to focus your mind on how you'll feel once you've done it. Dedicate some time each day to picture your new post-goal life.
How awesome are you going to feel when you've accomplished this goal that's been on your mind for so long? Pretty amazing. Fill your mind with that feeling of accomplishment well before you've finished the work. The more you feel connected to the end of the race, the more likely it is that you'll make it through.

Step Five: Put It All On The Line It's time to put your money where your mouth is. Invest in something that will help propel you toward your goal. When you shell out some of your hard earned money to aide in your progress, then you are going to take this process that much more seriously.
It's time to seriously commit yourself to seeing this goal to completion. If your goal is to lose weight and to get into amazing shape then invest in one of my proven fitness programs.

My clients see results. My clients achieve their goals.
It's time that you become one of my clients.
Call or email today and together we will get you to your goal.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tropical Pork Ribs

Tropical Pork Ribs
Here's a slow cooker recipe that cooks while you are away at work, making it convenient and easy to eat a healthy dinner. Serve these pork ribs over a bed of cauliflower rice or fresh spinach. Makes: 6 Servings
Here's what you need...
For the Tropical Spice Rub:
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 teaspoon dried ground mustard
  • 1 teaspoon allspice
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
For the Tropical Pork Ribs:
  • 1-3 lbs boneless country style ribs
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/2 yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 red apples, chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh pineapple, chopped
  • dash of smoked paprika
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • small butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed
  • 1/2 orange bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/2 cup apple sauce
  1. In a medium bowl combine the Tropical Spice Rub ingredients.
  2. Rinse and pat dry the pork ribs. Season with salt and pepper, then coat each side with the Tropical Spice Rub.
  3. In a large skillet, place the coconut oil over medium-high heat. Place the coated ribs in the skillet, and brown on all sides.
  4. Place the browned ribs in your slow cooker.
  5. In the skillet, over medium heat, combine the remaining ingredients. Heat for 5 minutes, mixing until fully incorporated. Remove from heat and spread evenly over the top of the ribs.
  6. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 359 calories, 12g fat, 405mg sodium, 23g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 23g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Friday, December 26, 2014

Beat Your Plateau in 5 Steps

It happens to all of us at some point.
Your workouts are dialed in, and your body is rapidly becoming leaner and more attractive. Friends and family notice and you feel fantastic.
And then it stops.
You are doing everything exactly the same as before except your body no longer responds.
You, my friend, have hit a plateau. It's a frustrating place to be parked, so read the following 5 steps to get your body back into results mode.

Step #1: Reduce Sugar. A very effective way to restart your results is to reel in your sugar intake. Inspect all of your food for added sugars and eliminate items that contain high calorie sweeteners. This means no sugar, corn syrup, honey or maple syrup.
If you've already eliminated processed sugars from your diet, and have still hit a plateau, then it's time to dig a little deeper by eliminating some of the natural sugars from your diet. Limit your intake of sweet fruits and eliminate dried fruits.

Step #2: Get More Sleep. We are supposed to get an average of eight hours of sleep each night. If you're not getting adequate amounts of rest, you're more likely to be hungry, overeat, and gain weight.

When you're tired, you don't feel like cooking a healthy meal, and you're more likely to opt for fast (fattening) food. Then your lack of energy causes you to skip your workouts. And to make matter worse, sleep deprivation causes your metabolism to slow down, slowing or reversing your results. To beat your plateau, make sleep a priority.

Step #3: Drink Only Water. To restart your results you'll need to make some changes. Sorry, but some of the changes aren't going to be fun. If you're one of the millions hooked on soda, alcohol, or other sweetened beverages, then your plateau will stay locked in place until you replace these drinks with water.

Keep in mind that your brain often confuses thirst with hunger. So at the first sign of hunger, don't grab a snack or calorie-filled drinks. Instead, grab a glass of water.

Step #4: Eat Healthy Breakfast. But not just any breakfast. Your plateau-breaking breakfast should be low in carbs and high in protein. Try eggs, lean breakfast meats, a protein shake, or a mini-muffin made with almond flour.

Fitting breakfast into your busy morning may take some work, but research shows that the habit of
eating a healthy breakfast is key to losing weight and keeping pounds off. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier to give yourself time to eat breakfast

Step #5: Increase Exercise Intensity. It's time to start taking your workouts more seriously. No more going through the motions, it's all-out for you. If you want to get back on track with your body transformation, and to keep the fat melting away, then increase the amount and intensity of your exercise routine.

For most people, this is the most difficult lifestyle change of all, but the benefits are enormous. Try to get 30 to 60 minutes of intense exercise on most days of the week. When exercise is a normal part of your everyday routine, you're more likely to stick with it, and your body will become slimmer and more toned.

The quickest and most permanent way to beat that plateau is through a combination of healthy eating and consistent, challenging workouts.

I'm here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.

You deserve that fit and attractive body—I can help you get it.

Call or email today and together we will overcome your fitness plateau.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Easy Baked Halibut

Think that cooking healthy is difficult or time consuming? This recipe will make you think again. Simply combine the flavorful marinade ingredients, brush over the fillets and bake. That's it! Add a side of veggies and a dark green salad for a delicious fitness approved meal. Servings: 4
Here's what you need:
  • 4 halibut fillets
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut aminos
  • Juice from one lime
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, minced
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon sweet paprika
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a baking pan with olive oil.
  2. Rinse the fillets and pat dry. Place in the prepared pan.
  3. In a small bowl combine the remaining ingredients. Brush over the fillets.
  4. Bake for 15 minutes, then turn the oven to broil for an additional 3 minutes.
Nutritional Analysis: One Serving equals: 201 calories, 7g fat, 250mg sodium, 3g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 30g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

5 Diet Secrets for Flat Abs

As much as I love exercise (and you know I do!) exercise alone will not get you a toned stomach.
Your diet is a huge part of the equation.
Someone could workout all day long, but then eat in a way that promotes major fat storage, and they wouldn't have a toned, beach-ready tummy.
While your diet is probably not terrible, the 5 secrets below will help you improve it even more. And a cleaner diet means flatter and more attractive abs.
Diet Secret #1: Don't eat late This is the most simple and effective way to flatten your abs. Instead of eating less food late at night, simply don't eat late at all. Try these tips...
  • Brush your teeth right after dinner. Once your teeth are clean, you've put an end to your consumption for the day.
  • Change things up. If your evening routine revolves around food then find a new routine.
  • Let the habit form. The first few weeks will be tough, but soon your new no-food-late routine will feel normal.

Diet Secret #2 Drink more water Drinking lots of water is another extremely simple way to promote fat loss. Chronic dehydration triggers false hunger signals that causes you to eat extra, empty calories. Try these tips...
  • Drink a big glass of water before each meal. This will make you less likely to overeat.
  • Replace sugar-filled sodas, coffee drinks and juices with water. This tip alone can make a huge difference in the shape of your body.
  • Carry water with you throughout the day.
Diet Secret #3: Load up on fiber Most of us do not get enough fiber in our diet. This is a problem since fiber is essential when it comes to getting lean. Fiber-filled foods are low in calories and are filling, so you'll be eating less and getting lean. Try these tips...
  • Turn salads into meals. Add a serving of lean protein to a large pile of greens for a guiltless meal. *Try the recipe for Sweet & Smokey Chicken below and serve it on a bed of greens.
  • Include vegetables in every meal. The benefits to eating more veggies are too many to list, so just know that your body will become healthier and leaner with each fibrous bite.
  • Fruits are a tasty source of fiber. Eat fresh, seasonal fruits every day.
Diet Secret #4: Eat fewer carbs Now I didn't say to cut out all carbs, but rather to eat fewer carbs. These diet secrets are meant as lifestyle changes for you to stick with long term. Eating fewer carbs is a realistic and very effective way to flatten your tummy. Try these tips...
  • Choose whole grain bread and pasta instead of white. Whole grains are less likely to be stored as fat. That being said, limit the amount that you eat.
  • Eat half of the carbs. Make your sandwich open-faced and cut down the size of your pasta serving.
  • Avoid carb-filled snacks. Instead of crackers or chips, have a hard boiled egg, a protein shake, fresh fruit or veggies.
Diet Secret #5: Only wholesome sweets Refined sugar-filled sweets will quickly add up around your waistline. Learn to enjoy natural sweets. Try these tips...
  • Fruit is natural candy. When you stop eating refined sugar you'll find fresh fruit to be more sweet and delicious than ever.
  • Do not eat foods that contain white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. These items are the worst for your abs.
  • Try wholesome sweeteners, like pure maple syrup, raw honey or dates in your cooking instead of white sugar. Get white sugar out of your kitchen.
Take these diet secrets and run with them. These tips, along with a challenging and consistent exercise program, are the formula for a toned, lean body.
I'm here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals, so guarantee your results by teaming up with me.
You deserve that fit and attractive body - I can help you get it.
Call or email today to get started.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sweet & Smokey Chicken

This chicken has awesome flavor and is quick to make on a weeknight. Serve with a leafy green salad and a side of asparagus or broccoli for the perfect flat abs meal. Makes: 4 Servings
Here's what you need...
  • 4 bone-in, skin-on, organic chicken thighs
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 packet Stevia
  • dash of salt and pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Rinse the chicken and pat dry. Place in a large ziplock bag.
  3. In a small bowl combine the remaining ingredients. Add to the ziplock bag and toss until the chicken is fully coated.
  4. Place the coated chicken thighs on a broiling pan. Bake for 40 minutes.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 248 calories, 18g fat, 428mg sodium, 1g carbohydrate, 0g fiber, and 18g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Monday, December 22, 2014

7 Foods to NEVER eat

Are you eating the wrong foods?

I see it happen all the time...fitness results that are thrown away by eating the wrong foods. Don't let this be you. You workout hard, so keep your results by avoiding the following 7 foods:

1) Don't Eat White Pasta White pasta will never be OK to eat when your goal is to look fit. Sorry, it's filled with way too many simple carbs. These plentiful carbs have one singular goal: to become stored on your body as fat.

Eat This: Spaghetti Squash On those nights when you really crave a big bowl of noodles, try this instead. Poke a spaghetti squash all over then bake at 400 degrees F for 45-60 minutes. Remove from the oven, allow to cool, scoop out the seeds and then scrape out the long, noodle-like strands of squash. Serve these healthy noodles with spaghetti sauce and meatballs.

2) Don't Eat Store Bought Salad Dressing The nutritional benefit of your salad is all but undone by the questionable ingredients in store bought salad dressing. From trans fats to preservatives, store bought salad dressing is a landfill of unnatural ingredients that are best avoided.

Eat This: Simple Homemade Dressing Making you own salad dressing is so simple, it literally takes less than five minutes, and it tastes so much better freshly made. Here's the equation to use when making your own dressing:
  • 3 parts high quality oil - extra virgin olive oil, hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, or sesame seed oil.
  • 1 part something acidic - vinegar, lemon, lime
  • A dash of salt and fresh ground pepper
  • Some fresh or dried herbs
3) Don't Eat Packaged Granola Bars Packaged bars have one thing going for them - the convenience factor. This convenience comes at a price, as each packaged bar contains more preservatives, carbs, calories and sugars than you should be eating.

Eat This: Raw Nuts When you need a quick, energizing snack look no further than a handful of raw nuts. This is a great way to cut down on the sugar and other harmful additives in granola bars while still enjoying a convenient energy boost.

4) Don't Drink Blended Coffee Drinks Coffee chains have made it socially acceptable to sip on a large blended coffee drink topped with whipped cream, anytime and anyplace. Unfortunately your body is going to respond to all that sugar in the only way that it knows how...by storing it as fat. These blended drinks are extremely addictive, so it's best to avoid them completely.

Drink This: Unsweetened Iced Tea The whole idea behind blended coffee drinks is to quench your thirst, but there are more fitness-friendly ways to do so. Double brew 4 cups of your favorite tea - try Chai Rooibos - then chill it in the fridge for a few hours. Serve over ice and sweeten with a sprinkle of Stevia if needed. Guilt-free refreshment.

5) Don't Eat Fast Food Breakfast Sandwiches The drive thru may be calling you, especially when you've left for work in such a hurry that you forgot to eat breakfast, but don't give in. Fast food breakfast sandwiches are filled with loads of preservatives, trans fats and questionable ingredients. Not to mention these little breakfast bombs contain more calories and fat than you need in the morning.

Eat This: Healthy Mini Muffins The recipe below for Healthy Mini Muffins make the perfect on-the-go breakfast or snack to keep you out of the drive thru line. Make a batch on the weekend to stock the fridge and then grab as needed throughout your busy week.

6) Don't Eat Sweetened Yogurt Little cups of fruit-flavored yogurts are often marketed as the next best weight loss secret, but you know better. These ultra-sweet concoctions are filled with sugars, corn syrup and preservatives, which will derail your fitness results and send you on a sugar high.

Eat This: Plain Greek Yogurt with Fruit Plain Greek yogurt has more protein and far less sugar than the cute little fruit-flavored yogurt cups. Dress it up by adding your own, chopped fresh fruit.

7) Don't Eat Potato Chips Around three o'clock in the afternoon, when that vending machine is calling out your name, remember this fact: Studies suggest that a potato chip habit caused subjects to gain weight even faster than an ice cream habit. This is likely due to all the preservatives, trans fats, empty calories and salt, and how hard it is to each just a few.

Eat This: Bake Kale Chips Kale chips are crunchy and satisfying, just like potato chips, yet you're able to crunch away guilt-free. Filled with fiber, protein and real food nutrients, this is one crunchy snack that won't expand your waistline. Here's how to make them at home: Wash and tear one bunch of kale into chip-sized pieces. Toss with a Tablespoon of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 300 degrees F for 12-15 minutes.
The quickest and most permanent way to lose weight and feel amazing is through a combination of healthy eating and consistent, challenging workouts.
I'm here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.
You deserve that fit and attractive body - I can help you get it.
Call or email today and together we will get you on the path to your best body ever

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Saturday, December 20, 2014

lthy Mini Muffins

Need a quick breakfast or snack item that won't erase that awesome workout you just did this morning? Whip up a batch of these gluten and sugar free mini muffins and stock your fridge with the perfect on-the-go snack. Servings: 24 mini muffins
Here's what you need:
  • 1/2 cup blanched almond flour
  • 1/2 cup flax meal
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 3 eggs
  • half of a ripe banana, mashed
  • 1/3 cup coconut crystals
  • 2 Tablespoons pure maple syrup, grade b
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk, canned, full fat
  • 2 Tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 cup golden raisins
  • 1/2 cup raw pecans, chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a mini muffin pan with coconut oil.
  2. In a medium bowl combine the almond flour, flax meal, coconut flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
  3. In another medium bowl combine the eggs, banana, coconut crystals, maple syrup, coconut milk, almond butter and vanilla. Mix until smooth. Add the dry ingredients into the wet ones and mix well.
  4. Slowly add the melted coconut oil, mix until all the lumps disappear.
  5. Add the raisins and pecans and mix well.
  6. Divide the batter for 24 mini muffins. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden and fully set.
  7. Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.
Nutritional Analysis: One Serving equals: 88 calories, 6g fat, 65mg sodium, 7g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 3g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Friday, December 19, 2014

Your Plan for Sculpted Abs

You're tired of the beer belly.
You want your love handles gone.
You dream of what it would be like to have a six pack.
On top of being less than attractive, excess belly fat increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease. While your midsection is one of the most difficult areas of the body to trim and tone, it can be done!
But it's going to take some work.
If your abs are completely hidden under an oversized belly, it takes more than just crunches to reveal toned muscle underneath. To burn off this extra layer of fat, you'll need to increase the intensity and consistency of your workouts and cut the junk out of your diet.
Get 30 to 60 minutes of challenging exercise five days each week. Call or email me to make your workouts more effective.
In addition to your regular workouts, include an ab workout every other day. What should your ab-centric workout look like?
Check out the exercises below to find what you should add to your ab routine. Choose four to eight of the following exercises and perform 15 to 20 reps of each.
The Bicycle One of the best ab workouts that also works your obliques (side muscles) and back is the bicycle. Lying on a mat, put your hands behind your head and gently support your head with your fingers. Lift your knees toward your chest and lift your shoulder blades up off the floor. Twist your body toward the right, bringing your right elbow toward your left knee as you extend your right leg out straight. Switch sides by bringing your left elbow toward your right knee and extending your left leg. Continue in this pedaling motion.
The Crunch A classic exercise known for effectively toning abs, the crunch starts as you lie on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Bend your elbows and cross your arms over your chest. Keeping your lower back on the floor, use your ab muscles to lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Hold for three seconds, lower back to the starting position, and repeat.
Reverse Crunch Targeting a tough area to tone—your lower abs—the reverse crunch is another great abdominal muscle workout. Lying on a mat, keep your arms at your sides with your palms facing down. Lift your knees up toward your chest until your knees are bent 90 degrees. Using your abs and avoiding a rocking motion, curl your hips and lower back up off the floor, lifting your legs toward the ceiling. Hold for several seconds and then lower your hips down. Repeat.
Trunk Rotation To do a trunk rotation, you'll need a dumbbell or medicine ball. While sitting on the floor, hold the weight near your body, lean back slightly, and bend your knees so your heels touch the floor. Twist your body to the right, hold for a second, twist to the left, and then repeat, twisting to the right next.
Front Plank Planks work your abs as well as your back. Lying face down on the floor, place your forearms on the floor. Lift your body up on your forearms and toes, keeping your elbows under your shoulders. Using your core muscles, hold yourself up for as long as you can until lowering to the floor. Practice your planks until you can hold yourself up for 60 seconds or longer.
Bird Dog Another exercise that works both your abs and back is the bird dog. In a kneeling position with your hands and knees on the floor, raise your left leg up behind you until it's parallel to the floor. At the same time, lift your right arm up in front of your until it's parallel to the floor as well. Hold for a second, lower your leg and arm back to starting position, lift your right leg and left arm, and repeat.
Remember that your diet plays a huge part in getting flat, sculpted abs. Cut out all the junk from your diet by eating wholesome, real foods and drink plenty of water.
Want flat abs faster? Call or email me today and I'll get you on the fast track.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Roasted Chicken and Veggies Dinner

Roasting a whole chicken with veggies is a wonderful meal and is much simpler to prepare than you might think. Make this recipe on the weekend and then enjoy nutritious leftovers throughout your week. Servings: 5
Here's what you need...
  • 3 bulbs garlic
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 4 Tablespoons coconut oil, gently melted
  • 1 Tablespoon each minced, fresh rosemary, oregano, tarragon
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • zest and juice from one lemon
  • 4 large organic carrots, cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 3 organic zucchini, cut into 1 inch half-moons
  • 1 cup pearl onions, ends trimmed
  • 1 cup Brussels sprouts, halved
  • 1 hormone-free, organic chicken
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut flour
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Cut off the tips of each section of the garlic bulbs. Place the blubs in a small glass pan. Brush the tops with the olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and set aside.
  3. In a small bowl combine the melted coconut oil, fresh herbs, minced garlic, lemon zest and lemon juice. Set 1/3 of the mixture aside for the veggies.
  4. In a large bowl combine the carrots, zucchini, pearl onions and Brussels sprouts with 1/3 of the herb mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  5. Rinse your chicken and pat dry. Carefully slide your hand between the skin and the breast and liberally rub some of the herb mixture. Rub the rest of the herb mixture over the top of the chicken. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and tie the legs together with kitchen string. Place the chicken on a large roasting pan, and surround it with the veggies.
  6. Roast the chicken and veggies for 30 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees F, pour 1/2 cup of chicken broth over the chicken and veggies, and place the garlic pan in the oven off to the side.
  7. For the next 90 minutes, pour 1/2 cup of broth over the chicken and veggies every 30 minutes as it cooks at 350 degrees F.
  8. To see if the chicken is done, poke the tip of a sharp knife between the leg and body and see that the juices run clear. Transfer the chicken and veggies to a large platter. Add a couple of the roasted garlic bulbs to the chicken platter, reserving one for the gravy.
  9. To make gravy: Pour all of the roasting pan juices into a skillet and bring to a simmer. Remove the garlic cloves from one of the roasted blubs and smash with a fork. Add garlic to skillet. Mix in the tablespoon of coconut flour, and whisk the gravy as it simmers. Cook for 10 minutes, or until desired thickness. Season with salt and pepper.
Nutritional Analysis: 251 calories, 14g fat, 113mg sodium, 19g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 17g protein

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


This exercise improves:
• Gross motor coordination
• Lower body
• Rhythm
• Language learning
By teaching a child to skip, you must first show him how it’s done. With a slow demonstration so he can see each movement, skip around the room. Explain what you are doing and ask him to mimic your movements.
At first, hold his hand and do it together. Show in detail each of the steps. Repeat the words “step, hop” to him as you do it. He may find it awkward at first. If you notice frustration, take a break and try it again some other time.
To help the child stay focused, it will help to continue saying “step, hop” as he skips on his own. This is only necessary until he gets the hang of it. Playing fun music while skipping will also help him enjoy the activity more and get into a rhythm.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

7 Awesome Reasons To Be FIT

I spend a lot of time talking about what it's like to be working towards your fat loss goal, with your perfect body somewhere off in the distance.
Today I'm going to switch perspectives and turn the focus onto how it feels to BE at your ideal weight.
In addition to getting you pumped up and motivated to work even more diligently towards your goal, studies have shown that those who spend time visualizing the accomplishment of their goal have a higher success rate in actually getting there.
So if you are still working towards your goal then sit back and let the following 7 Awesome Reasons to be FIT really sink into your mind. Visualize the following as being a part of your reality.
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #1: You Always Look Great When you are at your ideal weight clothes look and feel amazing. Every. Single. Day. Gone are the days of looking for ways to cover your ‘problem' areas because even those areas look great. Friends, family members and co-workers tell you how fantastic you look and that you've never looked better.
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #2: Your Confidence Is High The act of accomplishing any worthwhile goal is enough to seriously boost your confidence, and this is even more apparent when reaching a fitness goal. When your body goes through a transformation there's no hiding it. You are tighter, leaner and more attractive. You stand straighter, walk taller and exude a genuine confidence that can't be missed.
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #3: You Have Lots Of Energy Before you met your fat loss goal, getting off the couch was a challenge...one that you didn't always win. Once you became fit, new surges of energy course through your veins. You thrive on motion and activities that used to tire you out now leave you energized.
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #4: You Are Strong The life of a truly fit person knows no limits! In your free time you hike, bike, walk, pick up new hobbies and play with the kids. Picking up items that used to feel heavy is now a breeze as your functionality for daily tasks has never been stronger. Gone are the days when you'd tell yourself, "I can't do that. I'm not strong enough."
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #5: You Have No Health Worries You'll never forget the look on your doctor's face when examining your transformed body. Gone is the lecture about the many risks of weight-related ailments. Those days are behind you. Your healthy, strong thriving body is health-worry-free.
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #6: You No Longer Have Weight To Lose How long have you been trying to lose the fat and get down to your ideal weight? Long time, right? In all that time your fat loss goal has been a giant monkey on your back – always in the back of your mind, always weighing you down.
Guess what? Poof! That giant monkey disappeared the day you reached your goal weight an in its place came a sweet, carefree peace of mind.
Awesome Reason To Be FIT #7: You Are Able To Enjoy Life Once you transformed your body, life got decidedly more fun and exciting. You never knew how much your weight had held you back from excitement and adventure until the day that burden was lifted. You now enjoy life with carefree abandon – the way you were designed to.
If these 7 Awesome Reasons To Be FIT have lit a fire under you to reach your goal weight once and for all then reach out to me right now. Call or email and I'll have you sailing toward your FIT body in no time.
But don't wait—to do so would be to risk losing the motivation that you feel right now. I'm here to help you transform your body with a specialized fitness plan that's designed to quickly get you to FIT.
What are you waiting for? Begin your body transformation today!

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Monday, December 15, 2014

How To Stop Craving The Wrong Foods

You wake up each morning with every intention of eating "good" today.
You'll skip the drive thru line on your way to work. You'll refuse to get fast food with co-workers at lunch. You'll boycott the vending machine in the mid-afternoon. And you won't even think about having dessert after dinner.
But then your cravings win.
Your friend drops by with a big fluffy muffin and a latte for breakfast. A group of co-workers invite you to that greasy spoon down the street for lunch. Cake is passed around at the mid-afternoon staff meeting. And after dinner your honey surprises you with a bowl of your favorite ice cream.
You tell yourself that tomorrow will be different.
Tomorrow you won't give in to food cravings.
But then tomorrow comes with its own special circumstances, and cravings get the best of you once again.
Why Do Food Cravings Always Win?
Let's face it, we live in a world where food temptations are everywhere...which lead to cravings, which lead to you eating things that you shouldn't. Again. And again. And again. Until you're so fed up with your body that you don't even know where to begin to get yourself back on track.
Stores display the most tantalizing junk food items right where you could easily reach them. TV commercials for greasy, fattening foods portray them so scrumptiously that you literally salivate. Sugary snack items have full-page, glossy pictures in your favorite magazines. And as if all of these weren't enough, the people in your daily lif are another, constant source of food temptation.
To make matters worse, you've been conditioned since childhood to have a positive association with the act of indulging in your cravings. You use food as a reward. You use food as a source of emotional comfort. You use food as a way to relieve stress. And quickly these associations and uses of food become habit. A habit not easily broken.
New Technique to End Food Cravings Food cravings don't need to have the upper hand on you anymore. Here's how you can fight back using your most powerful asset: your brain.
Remember that your mind is an amazing thing. Once your mind is made up about something it's nearly impossible to change it.
Try This Powerful Mind Exercise: Imagine that you are peacefully floating down a river on a raft. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and you are having a fun, relaxing time.
You feel wonderful about the river because it's making you feel happy.
Now change perspectives for a moment. You're now in a plane flying over the river and the raft. Instantly our eye is drawn to an enormous rocky waterfall. Then you look back to the person floating on the raft, having a wonderful time, headed straight for the treacherous falls.
With this new perspective of the river, do you think that you'd agree to get on a raft and take your chances floating toward the falls? Laughable, right? You've seen the hidden danger of the river. You know it leads to pain and suffering.
Now your negative association (watery death) with the river has replaced your initial positive association (relaxing fun).
This is the key to overcoming food temptations and putting an end to food cravings: building negative associations in place of existing positive ones. I'll break this process down for you in two steps:
Step One: Create a STRONG Negative Association with Unhealthy Food You may not have realized it, but up until this point you've placed unhealthy, fattening foods on a pedestal in your mind. As long as the wrong foods are on that pedestal you'll continue to give into your cravings and will continue to gain fat.
Take the wrong food off that pedestal by listing off everything negative about them...
  • These foods make you unhealthy.
  • These foods cause weight gain.
  • These foods drain your energy.
  • These foods kill your confidence.
  • These foods lessen your quality of life.
  • These foods damage your love life.

Every time that you feel tempted to eat an unhealthy food, focus on your list of negatives. Kick the junk off the pedestal and put something healthy in its place.
Step Two: Create a STRONG Positive Association with wholesome foods Now that your mental food pedestal has been cleared, put truly wholesome food items on it. Juicy fresh fruit, crispy vegetables and savory lean meats are the place to start.
List off the things that you love about healthy food...
  • These foods make you healthy.
  • These foods promote fat loss.
  • These foods boost your energy.
  • These foods build your confidence.
  • These foods improve your quality of life.
  • These foods enhance your love life.
I encourage you to immerse yourself into the world of healthy, wholesome foods. Browse the aisles of your local natural foods store. Stroll through a farmer's market. Pack healthy snacks to bring to work. Clear your kitchen of junk.
Use the technique above consistently and you will soon find that healthy, wholesome foods are your favorite.
And craving the wrong foods will be a thing of your past.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Easy Chopped Chicken Salad

Easy Chopped Chicken Salad

This quick and simple salad is a delicious solution to the age-old question, "What's for dinner?" It's filled with wholesome ingredients, protein and fiber to enhance your hard earned fitness results. Servings: 6
Here's what you need:
For the Salad
  • 2 cooked chicken breasts, chopped
  • 1.2 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 1 Tablespoon red onion, minced
  • 1/2 cup cucumber, chopped
  • 4 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
  • 4 strips, cooked nitrate-free bacon, chopped
  • 1 avocado, chopped
For the Dressing
  • 1/8 cup olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 packet stevia
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  1. Combine all of the salad ingredients in a large salad bowl. Mix to combine.
  2. Combine all of the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Drizzle over the salad and serve.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 218 calories, 12g fat, 189mg sodium, 5g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 22g protein

Saturday, December 13, 2014

7 Polite Ways to Turn Down Food

7 Polite Ways to Turn Down Food
Most of us think that there are only two ways to handle Holiday food temptations. You could say "No" to everything and get the reputation of being a Grinch. Or you could say "Yes" to everything and end up gaining 5 or 10 pounds.
Let's explore the following 7 ways to politely turn down Holiday food that's pushed on you by well meaning friends and family.
Food Push #1: "This is your favorite! Hand me your plate."
Stalling Response: "I can't wait to try some in a little bit."
Why stalling works: By not directly turning the food pusher down, they feel that they've won and will drop the subject. Later you may decide that you want a small portion of the offered food, or you may decide to skip it.
Food Push #2: "Try this new dessert I made, you'll love it!"
I'm Stuffed Response: "I wish that I had saved some room, but I'm stuffed."
Why being stuffed works: No one can refute your statement about being full. If your food pusher is persistent then let them know that having one more bite would make you uncomfortably full to the point of pain.
Food Push #3: "I made this dish especially for you. Eat up!"
Diet Restriction Response: "Oh man, that looks good! Too bad I can't eat gluten."
Why having a diet restriction works: Even the pushiest people are likely to back off when they hear you have a diet restriction. The key is to be consistent. If you say that you aren't eating gluten then don't reach for a bread roll.
Food Push #4: The food pusher puts something on your plate without permission.
Spread It Around Response: Take your fork and spread the unwanted item around your plate to make it look like you took a few bites.
Why spreading it around works: You're not making a scene, and quite frankly, no one is going to notice. When food is put on your plate without your consent you are under no obligation to eat it. Spreading the food around is a simple way to defuse the situation without eating something you didn't want.
Food Push #5: "You are too concerned with dieting."
Thank You For Noticing Response: "Thank you for noticing the healthy changes I've been making. Your support means a lot."
Why saying thank you works: Sure, the dieting comment was probably made passive aggressively, but nothing is stopping you from taking it as a compliment. Seeing you make healthier choices may be intimidating for friends and family, so approach the subject with understanding rather than defensiveness.
Food Push #6: "Here's a bag of leftovers for you to take home!"
Take a Break from Cooking Response: "Thanks, but keep the food so that you can take a break from all the cooking you've been doing."
Why saying they'll get a break from cooking works: Every good host wants to send their guests home with something, but given the option they'd love to have leftovers for themselves as well. Compliment their cooking and let them know that you think they deserve a break over the next few days.
Food Push #7: "We only have this dish once a year – you HAVE to eat some!"
I Want to Live Long Response: "That looks amazing! I'm going to skip it this year so that I can live to see many more wonderful holidays with you."
Why wanting to live long works: Said with good humor, this drives home a serious point. You are watching what you eat so that you will be around for many more holidays to come to enjoy with your loved ones. No one can deny the importance of this!
By warding off food pushers you'll eat fewer calories and will avoid holiday weight gain to start the New Year off right!
Remember that exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.
Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body in the New Year.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Friday, December 12, 2014

Party Survival Guide

Party Survival Guide

Use these quick tips to avoid overeating at your holiday party:
  • A plate of appetizers is considered a meal. Don't load up on appetizers and then sit down to a full meal.
  • Survey all of your food options before beginning to eat. Choose a few of your favorites and then fill the rest of your plate with greens.
  • Liquid calories count. Stick with only one calorie-filled drink and then switch to water.
  • Eat a sensible meal before you arrive at the party. This will cut down on party food calories.
Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Olympic Hot Spot Challenge For Ages 9-12

Children of this age have more developed skeletons and are more able to do bodyweight exercises. Clear out some space and create 'hot spot' stations with different activities for fun and variety. The children move from one to the next every 30 or 45 seconds.

  • Push-ups (against the wall, on their knees, or full push-ups)
  • Sit-ups
  • Jump rope
  • Step-ups (either with a 'step' or run up and down the stairs!)
  • Shuttle run (Back and forth between two points)
  • Circle jumps (small rings or hula hoops or tape marks)
  • Jumping jacks
  • Squats
  • Balance on one leg
  • Ball toss (with a partner)
  • Ball twist (with a partner, stand back to back and twist side to side as you pass a ball left and take it right)

Challenges Include:

  • Increasing time at each hot spot: so 30, 45, 60 seconds
  • Increasing number of times you do the complete hot spot circuit, so 2, 3, 4 or 5 times
  • Mixing up the hot spots or doing them in a different order
  • Creating new hot spot activities of your own
  • Adding new hot spot props like soup can weights

Encourage Your Children By:

  • Letting them choose their own pump up music
  • Having them draw or paint signs for each station
  • Offering incentives: A penny, nickel or dime for each 'movement' minute, a favorite (healthy) dinner, prizes for completion or beating an old time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

South-Of-The-Border Chicken & Rice Soup

A bowl of this homemade soup is a wonderful meal to enjoy during the holidays. It's low carb and filled with protein and veggies to power your day and curb your cravings. Best of all it's made in the slow cooker, so preparation is quick and easy. Servings: 8
Here's what you need...
  • 2 organic, free range chicken breasts
  • 1 (28oz) can diced, fire roasted tomatoes
  • 1 (4oz) can green chiles, chopped
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 head cauliflower, shredded
  • 32 oz organic, free range chicken broth
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • dash of sea salt and pepper
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 2 avocados
  • Tajin seasoning for garnish
  1. Combine all of the ingredients, except the cilantro, avocado and tajin, in a slow cooker. Cover and cook on high for 3 hours.
  2. Remove the chicken breasts from the slow cooker. Shred with a fork and then return to the slow cooker.
  3. Garnish each bowl with a sprinkle of cilantro, a few slices of avocado and a dash of tajin. Enjoy!
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 153 calories, 6g fat, 321mg sodium, 14g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 10g protein.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Simply Fruit Dessert

Eat too much refined sugar and you’re headed for obesity and a host of diseases. So what should you do with that sweet tooth of yours? Turn to nature’s candy: fresh fruit. This dessert is very simple, and oh-so-sweet. Use fresh, local, organic fruit for optimal taste and nutrition.
Simple Fruit Dessert
Simple Fruit Dessert
Servings: 4 Here’s what you need…
  • 1 small watermelon, chopped
  • 1 cantaloupe, seeded and chopped
  • 1 mango, pitted and chopped
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint, minced
  1. Chop the fruit into small, uniform cubes. Combine the ingredients in a large bowl, then scoop into small cups. Enjoy!
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 127 calories, 1g fat, 33mg sodium, 30g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 3g protein.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Monday, December 1, 2014

Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros
Huevos Rancheros
This Mexican egg dish makes a perfect weekend breakfast.
Total Time: 35 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 25 min.
Yield: 4 servings
2 tsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 (14.5-oz.) can diced tomatoes
1 (4-oz.) can diced green chiles
½ tsp. ground chili powder
¼ tsp. sea salt
Nonstick cooking spray
4 large eggs
4 corn tortillas, warm
2 Tbsp. finely chopped red onion
2 Tbsp. shredded Monterey jack cheese
Cilantro leaves (for garnish; optional)
1. Heat oil in medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
2. Add onion; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until onion is translucent.
3. Add tomatoes and green chiles; cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
4. Season with chili powder and salt; cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Set aside.
5. Heat large nonstick skillet, lightly coated with spray, over medium heat.
6. Add eggs one at a time, taking care egg whites don’t touch; cook, covered, for 3 minutes. Remove lid. Cook to desired yolk consistency. Remove from heat.
7. Top each tortilla evenly with onion mixture. Top gently with egg and top evenly with red onion and cheese.
8. Garnish with a cilantro leaf if desired.

Christine Kozachuk Fitness Expert