We Activate Families To Become Fit N Free For Life

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

13 reasons why you need exercise

13 reasons why you need exercise

Let's face it, some days you just don't feel like exercising.

You get too busy, too stressed and quite simply too tired.

But this shouldn't stop you from lacing up your shoes and heading out for a workout!

Here's a list of 13 of the top reasons to exercise. Pull out this list and read it when you need a reminder of why exactly exercise is worth your time...

1. To Prevent Disease
Exercise has been proven to reduce the risk of just about every single health problem known to man, from stroke to heart disease to cancer and osteoporosis. Exercise is also a great defense against type 2 diabetes, which is one of the most widely growing diseases of our time.

2. To Look Great
Exercise firms your body, improves posture and even makes your skin glow. Looking your best is a wonderful result of regular exercise.

3. To Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Exercise burns fat and prevents future fat storage. If you want to have a thinner, healthier body, exercise is the answer.

4. To Have More Energy
Anyone who exercises regularly will tell you that they are more energetic, less easily irritated and are more peaceful.

5. To Sleep Better
Exercise boosts energy levels, but also wears you out. It makes you feel more vibrant during the day and sleep better at night.

6. To Age Slower
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to fight aging. When you age your body loses muscle and bone, while the loss of both are drastically reduced with regular exercise. Exercise also helps reduce inflammation.

7. To Relieve Back Pain
In most cases, the best thing that you can do for back pain is to move and strengthen those muscles. Consult your physician or physical therapist for guidance.

8. To Ease Depression
Exercise has been proven to reduce depression – sometimes even as effectively as medication. Just chalk this up as yet another amazing benefit to exercise.

9. To Reduce Aches and Pains By strengthening muscles around your damaged joints you're able to use exercise to reduce joint pain and overall aches. Always consult your physician before starting an exercise program, especially if you have chronic joint pain.

10. To Stay Mentally Sharp Exercise has been shown to improve memory and other cognitive functions, and seems to have a protective effect against dementia. A Harvard University researcher called exercise “Miracle-Gro for the brain.”

11. To Enjoy Your Lifestyle
Whatever it is that you love in life – your kids, travel, sports, fashion—it is all more enjoyable when experienced in a fit and healthy body. Exercise so that you are able to enjoy all the great things in life.

12. To Reduce Sick Days
People who exercise regularly are 50% less likely to call in sick to work. A regular exercise program reduces colds and upper respiratory infections.

13. To Boost Confidence
Being fit, feeling healthy and having energy are all building blocks to having great confidence. There is no better confidence booster than sticking with a regular exercise program.

Regular exercise gives you so many amazing benefits, as you've seen from the above list. Call or email me today to get started on a program that will change your life forever.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps

Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps
This is an ultra-healthy meal that’s quick and easy to throw together. It’s high in protein, low in fat and contains lots of healthy fiber. Not to mention it tastes great, so dig right in! Yield: 2 servings

Here’s what you need...
  • 1 can albacore chunk tuna, packed in water
  • 2 Tablespoons finely chopped white onion
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/2 apple, finely chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons nonfat mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon nonfat ranch salad dressing
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • 4 large lettuce leaves, washed
  • Pepper to taste
  1. Combine the tuna, onion, bell pepper, and apple in a medium bowl. In a small bowl mix the mayonnaise, ranch dressing and dill.
  2. Add the mayonnaise mixture to the tuna and mix until well combined.
  3. Arrange the lettuce leaves on two plates, and fill with tuna. Garnish with a dash of pepper.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 124 calories, 1.5g fat, 13g carbohydrate, 2.7g fiber, and 14g protein.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

What will you accept?

You only have yourself to blame
Question for you...whose fault is it that you’re out of shape?

If you go by what you see in the media then you probably believe that it’s anyone’s fault but yours. The big diet companies think that if they put the blame on you, then you wouldn’t buy their bogus pills. So they put the blame on your cortisol levels, your fast food diet, or your busy schedule instead of where it belongs - which is squarely on your shoulders.

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college...but ultimately you have the body that you accept.

I’m going to repeat that so it will really sink in.

You have the body that you accept.

Accepting the blame for your current body is not a bad thing – it’s actually quite empowering. Think about it. If it really wasn’t your fault, if it really was due to a long list of variables that you have zero control over, then you’d be stuck. You’d have no way to change.

Lucky for you, it’s your fault :) So you have the power to do something about it.

The Secret Behind ‘Before and After’ Pictures

Allow me to pull back the curtain for you on something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. You’ve seen countless before and after pictures documenting weight loss as a result of a diet product. Well, there is more involved than just the diet product, and it’s the same across the board.

Look into the eyes of any person in their before picture and you’ll see that they are disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they can accept.

They changed the body that they accept.

Now look into their eyes in the after picture – see the sweet satisfaction? They now own the body that they decided they could accept. And what a great feeling that is.

Your Time To Transform

Whether you realize it or not, you already posses everything you need to transform your body, but it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today. You have your current body because until this moment you’ve been OK with it.

Oh sure, you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit, but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept. Here’s how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Get Disturbed

You’ve heard it said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to losing weight. Just like those folks in the before pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.

It’s time to get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you must lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed!

Step Two: Get Focused

Without clarity it’s very hard to get where you want to go. Now that you’re disturbed with the body you have, it’s time to decide what the body you can accept looks like.

I want you to think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under those before and after pictures - "Suzy lost 25 lbs," "Mike lost 8 inches from his waist," "Jenny went from a size 18 to a size 6."

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your after picture and visualize what the caption will read.

Step Three: Get Moving

The time spent between your inspiration (now) and your action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action - there is always something that you can do right now.

Don’t you agree that you’ll be happier living life in a fit, healthy and attractive body, rather than the body you have today? Of course you’ll be happier.

I’ve helped scores of clients just like you finally lose their unwanted weight.

I am here to take you from your before picture to your after picture, however, you need to bring something to the table – you need to make up your mind about what you’ll accept of yourself.

What will you accept?


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Teriyaki Rib Eye and Chicken Wrapped Asparagus

Teriyaki Rib Eye and Chicken Wrapped Asparagus
This recipe for Teriyaki Rib Eye and Chicken Wrapped Asparagus is savory and delicious. It’s a wonderful way to get your protein and veggies all at once! Fight the urge to serve this meal with traditional rice, and instead shred a head of cauliflower in a food processor and sauté into low-carb, guilt-free rice. Enjoy!

Yield: 5 servings

Here’s what you need:

For the Sesame Blanched Asparagus
  • Sea salt
  • 2 bunches fresh, organic asparagus
  • 1 Tablespoon sesame seed oil
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • Fresh, black pepper
  1. Bring 2 inches of water to boil in a large skillet. Add a sprinkle of sea salt.
  2. Wash and trim the ends from 2 bunches of asparagus. Add to the boiling water and blanch for about 10 minutes, until tender and vibrantly green.
  3. Remove from heat, drain and place in a bowl. Toss with the sesame oil, lemon juice and lemon zest. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
For the Rib Eye and/or Chicken
  • 1/2 cup sake
  • 1/2 cup mirin
  • 2 Tablespoons freshly grated ginger
  • 2 Tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1/2 cup coconut aminos
  • 2 Tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lb thinly sliced Rib Eye and/or Chicken
  1. Combine the sake, mirin, ginger, garlic, coconut aminos and maple syrup in a bowl. Pour over the meat in a shallow container. Place in the fridge and chill for an hour.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a grill pan or skillet. Remove the meat from the fridge. Wrap pieces of meat around stalks of asparagus. Place in the preheated skillet and cook until browned, about 5 minutes per side. Remove from heat and serve immediately. Enjoy!
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 120 calories, 8g fat, 59mg sodium, 6g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 14g protein.

Friday, March 27, 2015

5 dumb mistakes healthy people make

5 dumb mistakes healthy people make
You’re not the type of person to make many mistakes. And certainly not dumb mistakes. In fact, it’s my guess that you’re healthier than most.

You likely exercise regularly. You watch what you eat. You keep up-to-date on the latest health concerns. You don’t binge on sugar.

And you never – ever - eat fast food. Well, almost never.

But you do have a few unhealthy skeletons in your closet – ones that you probably aren’t even aware of.

The following 5 Dumb Mistakes are frequently committed by health conscious people. Once you break these bad habits, you’ll find that achieving your weight loss goals just became a whole lot easier.

1. You’re Sleep Deprived
  • In Gallup Poll surveys, 56% of the adult population reported that drowsiness is a problem in the daytime. That means that more than half of the population doesn’t get adequate sleep.
  • Healthy adults require 7-8 hours of sleep each night. When you fail to meet this need your body goes into sleep debt, which continues to accumulate indefinitely until you catch up.
  • A lack of sleep negatively affects your immune system, your nervous system, and interferes with healthy hormone release and cellular repairs.
The best way to combat sleep deprivation is to set a scheduled bedtime. Your body will benefit from a consistent sleeping and waking routine, and you’re sure to get all the rest you need.

If you have trouble falling asleep once you’re in bed, then try these two tips. First, make sure that you don’t drink any caffeinated beverages after lunchtime. Second, don’t eat for three hours before you go to bed. This helps eliminate sleeplessness due to indigestion, and will also turbo-charge your weight loss.

2. You’re Dehydrated
  • It has been said that 75 percent of the population is chronically dehydrated. Would you disagree? When was the last time that you actually drank 8 glasses of water in a day?
  • Dehydration occurs when more fluid leaves your body than is taken in. Symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, rapid heart rate, and, in extreme cases, even death.
  • Dehydration also slows your metabolism, which hinders weight loss.
You shouldn’t wait until the feeling of thirst or dry mouth hits you, at that point damage has already been done. Instead, constantly rehydrate throughout your day to avoid dehydration. The best way to do this is to incorporate water into your daily schedule. Have a water bottle at your desk and train yourself to sip on it often, and get into the habit of drinking a full glass of water with each meal and snack.

3. You’re Stressed Out
  • I don’t have to tell you that we are living in a fast-paced world and that most of us have stress levels that are through the roof. But what you might not realize is that your stress levels are making you fat.
  • Stress creates an increase in the hormone cortisol, and chronic stress creates a chronic increase in cortisol. This is a problem because is slows your metabolism, leads to cravings and is linked to greater levels of abdominal fat storage.
  • The vicious cycle of stress and weight gain goes around and around. Stress causes you to eat emotionally, and your raised cortisol levels cause that food to be stored as fat.
One of the most effective ways to instantly eliminate stress is to sit down and write out a list of all the things that are bothering you. This should include things that you need to get done, issues that weigh on your mind and anything you believe contributes to your stress level. Once it’s all down on paper, organize it like a to-do list and start resolving each item. Doing so will get the stress off of your mind and will put your body into the motion of resolving each issue.

4. You Eat Out Too Often
  • Research suggests that most people eat out one out of every 4 meals and snacks. That’s an average of once a day.
  • Restaurant food is designed to do one thing: to taste good. In order to increase eating pleasure, each item is loaded with fat, salt and sugar. This causes you to eat way more calories than you actually need.
  • Even when you order ‘healthy’ items, you’re still taking in more calories and fat grams than you would if you had prepared the item at home. Imagine the last salad you ordered out. Didn’t it come with cream dressing, croutons, cheese sprinkles and a piece of butter-laden bread on the side?
The main reason people eat out is for convenience, so with a little organization you’ll find that preparing your own meals takes less time than you thought it would. On the weekend sit down and plan out your meals for the week. Then go to the grocery store and stock up on everything you’ll need for those meals.

Pack your lunch and snacks each night before bed, then grab it on your way out the door in the morning. When you prepare dinner at home, make enough for at least the next day as well. Your efforts will pay off both in terms of weight loss and in money saved.

5. You’re on Exercise Autopilot
  • You do the same thing each and every time you exercise. Same machines, same pace, same duration. While your routine sure feels comfortable, your results have long since halted.
  • A plateau occurs when your body adapts to your routine and weight loss stops. It is incredibly frustrating, and totally avoidable.
  • You don’t have to increase the amount of time that you spend exercising in order to see quicker, faster results. It’s all about challenging your body.
There are two simple ways to instantly increase the effectiveness of your exercise routine. First, increase your pace. Secondly, increase your intensity. Constantly vary your speed and intensity in order to keep your muscles guessing and adapting.

Another way to break through the exercise plateau is to do something totally new. If you regularly use weight machines then start using free weights. If you normally jog on the treadmill then start using the bike.

Are you ready to break the plateau as you take your routine to the next level?

Would you like to know without a shadow of a doubt that you are going to lose weight in the coming months?

It’s my goal to see you achieve greatness. I believe that you’ve got what it takes.

Let’s do this! Call or email today to get started on the program that will improve your health and well being, and will get you amazing results.

Don’t make a mistake…contact me today!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Easy Gluten-Free Pancakes

Easy Gluten-Free Pancakes
This recipe is a wonderful option for a weekend breakfast – it’s healthy, delicious and ready in 20 minutes. These pancakes are gluten-free and are lower in carbs and sugar than pancakes made from a packaged mix. Serve with a side of eggs and fresh fruit. Yield: 10 pancakes

Here’s what you need...
  • 1 mashed banana
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 1/2 cups blanched almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • coconut oil
  1. Combine the mashed banana, eggs, coconut sugar, vanilla and almond extracts in a food processor. Add the flour, soda and salt. Mix well. Let the batter sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Preheat coconut oil on your griddle over medium heat. Ladle pancake batter by 1/4 cup onto griddle. When bubbles form, flip the pancakes to cook other side.
  3. Serve with sliced banana and pure maple syrup. Enjoy!
Nutritional Analysis: One pancake equals: 148 calories, 9g fat, 8g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 4g protein.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Falling off the exercise wagon

Falling off the exercise wagon
If you are looking for an excuse to fall off the exercise wagon, the universe will provide one.

Is this you? Have you relapsed into your old unhealthy habits?

The sad truth is that nearly everyone who started off 2015 with strong fitness goals has by now given up. I sincerely hope that this is not you.

This is the cycle that happens when you fall off the exercise wagon, and here’s how to pick yourself back up:

1) First You Fall
Your fall off the wagon could take place in a single moment, or it could be the result of a drawn out process. You may fall out of exercise slowly as a result of health problems or other various life issues that spring up and monopolize your time.

Illness, vacation, holidays, changes at work or any other change in your schedule are all things that’ll get you off the wagon. Once you’re off the real damage begins.

2) Second You Surrender
There comes a point after you fall off the wagon that you simply throw your hands up in the air and give in. It may be a dramatic moment when you decide to eat anything you want, or when you begin to use food for comfort and to ease stress.

Surrender is the most destructive part of the cycle. You remove all expectations from yourself and as a result you plummet into an unhealthy realm. The progress that you’ve made toward your goals is lost and even more weight is gained.

3) Then You Hit Bottom
Inevitably there comes the moment when you hit bottom. Your body shows the new weight gain and you feel awful about it. This is a sobering moment when you see what you’ve allowed yourself to become, and you don’t like it one bit. Negative, defeated thoughts run through your mind. While hitting bottom is never a fun experience, it is a necessary one. The pain must become great enough for you to turn it around and take the control back.

4) Finally You Take Control
Now comes the good part. When you hit bottom you were out of control, now you’re ready to once again grab the reigns. You’re ready to put yourself back onto your priority list. Set healthy guidelines for your diet and get back into a regular schedule of working out.

Set specific goals for yourself that are realistic and within a set timeframe. Now get to work, reclaiming your body, your freedom and your life.

Have you fallen off your priority list, and in turn fallen off the exercise wagon?

The time has come to put yourself back on that priority list. The time has come to decide that you are worth it.

I’m here to help you do just that. Call or email today to get started on an program that will change your body and your life.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Sweet Paprika Chicken & Veggies

Sweet Paprika Chicken & Veggies
Here's a new and tasty way to prepare lean chicken and nutritious veggies. Meals that are high in protein and fiber, like this, are exactly what you need to be eating in order to see amazing results. Servings: 8
Here's what you need...
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 16 oz of skinless, chicken tenders
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 4 carrots, chopped
  • 3 heirloom tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 green bell peppers, seeded and chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut flour
  • 2 Tablespoons sweet paprika
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Season the chicken tenders with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet, over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook, turning occasionally until browned. Transfer to a roasting pan.
  3. Add the vegetables to the skillet and maintain the heat on medium. Cook, stirring often, until the onion is translucent. Sprinkle in the flour and paprika and stir well. Bring to a boil and cook until the tomatoes give off their juices, about 10 minutes. Pour the veggies over the chicken and cover.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes, uncover and bake for an additional 30 minutes.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 211 calories, 3 fat, 390mg sodium, 17g carbohydrate, 5.5g fiber, and 29g protein.