We Activate Families To Become Fit N Free For Life

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

White Bean Ratatouille

White Bean Ratatouille
Ratatouille is a dish of cooked vegetables that originated in southern France. It is hearty and satisfying, like comfort food, with none of the guilt. This version contains white beans which add protein and have a wonderful texture. Serve it hot or cold, either way this dish is sure to please.

Yield: 8 servings

Here's what you need:
  • 1 large-size globe eggplant, cut in 1/2 inch cubes
  • 1 tablespoon water, for sautéing
  • 2 medium-size red onions, sliced
  • 3 medium-size zucchini, cut in 1/2 inch cubes
  • 2 red bell peppers, cut into 1/2 inch squares
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/4 cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 4 tomatoes, seeded and roughly chopped (or 2 cans - 15 oz each – fire roasted diced tomatoes)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 (15oz) cans white beans, drained and rinsed
  • Salt and fresh group pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh basil
  1. Steam eggplant cubes for 10 minutes. Heat the water in a large-size saute pan, add onions and cook, for 5 minutes.
  2. Add zucchini and bell peppers and cook, stirring often, for another 5 minutes. Add steamed eggplant and cook another 5 minutes, then add garlic.
  3. Add wine and stock. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to medium-high and stir in tomatoes, parsley, thyme, oregano, and bay leaves. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer gently for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Add beans to skillet, stirring well to combine. Cook, uncovered, until vegetables are tender but not mushy and liquids have thickened, stirring occasionally for another 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste.
  5. Remove skillet from heat, remove the bay leaves, and stir in chopped basil.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 195 calories, 1g fat, 38g carbohydrate, 11.5g fiber, and 9.5g protein.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Can't slim down? Here's why...

Wanting to lose fat, and failing at it, is one of the most frustrating experiences ever.

Read the following 7 Fat Loss Problems to discover what is standing in your way and how to quickly and easily begin reshaping it all.

Fat Loss Problem #1: Your Mind

Your mind is your number one ally when it comes to achieving your goals. However, until your mind has been programmed for success, it will do more to derail your efforts than to help you.
  • Take a few moments each day to visualize yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how it feels to look the way you've always wanted.
  • Protect your mind from any negative self talk. If a negative thought comes to mind, immediately reject it.
  • You want to be thin and fit, and yet you think of yourself as out-of-shape and fat. Re-program your mind to think of yourself as fit and attractive, and you will be well on your way toward achieving your goal.
  • Give up the belief that you can't achieve the body you've always dreamed of. See it first in your mind, and then in the mirror.
Fat Loss Problem #2: Your Fear Change makes most of us nervous – even if it is a change in the right direction. You may not be consciously aware of the fear you have of getting into shape. Until you conquer this fear, your weight loss efforts will be blocked by self sabotage.

Professional speaker and author, Anthony Robbins, has outlined three specific beliefs that you must have in order to conquer your fear and instantly create a lasting change.
  • Believe that something MUST change. You can't be wishy-washy about it. You can't be considering it. You can't even be pretty sure about it. You've got to be rock solid.
  • Believe that YOU must change it. You can't pass the buck of responsibility and expect to lose weight. It's on your shoulders. Other people will prove to be great assets in your journey, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to want this weight loss enough to make it your personal mission.
  • Believe you CAN change it. You may have failed in the past, but that doesn't matter. When you put your mind to it, you're able to do amazing things. Do you believe that you are capable of losing weight? Once you own the belief that you can, you'll be unstoppable.
Fat Loss Problem #3: Your Excuses

Your excuses for being out-of-shape are getting old. An excuse takes less immediate effort than an action, but in the long run the action taker always has the advantage. Don't allow excuses to ruin your life any longer.
  • Don't skip out on your responsibilities with excuses, instead expect more from yourself.
  • Focus on the big reason why you are losing the weight. Make a list of the benefits you'll enjoy once you achieve your goal, and read them first thing each morning.
  • Remember that you can only have two things in life: excuses or results. Which do you want?
Fat Loss Problem #4: Your Commitment

How many times have you tried to lose weight, only to give up a week or two later? We live in a commitment-phobic world, so it's no wonder that you routinely abandon your goals. If you truly want to lose weight then your commitment to the process is a must.
  • The margin between success and failure is bridged by your commitment. Don't give up until your goal has been achieved.
  • Treat exercise with the same importance as a work meeting, and you'll never skip it at the last minute. Find three available 60-minute time slots in your schedule and mark them (in pen) on your calendar. Now stick to your schedule.
  • If you don't give up, then you'll never fail.
Fat Loss Problem #5: Your Diet

If you consistently eat the wrong food, then you're weight loss efforts will all be in vain.

To put it bluntly, you need to stop eating junk. Processed foods, refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup do not belong in your diet if you want to be in great shape. Cut these items out of your diet and replace them with real whole foods like lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fruits.
  • Don't eat processed foods. Even though processed foods are accepted by our society, they contain tons of chemicals and empty calories that will make you sick and fat.
  • Fat contains twice the caloric density of protein and carbohydrates, so make sure to limit the amount that you consume. Eat lots of lean proteins and wholesome carbohydrates from plants and whole grains.
  • Vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds are filled with fiber and antioxidants which are vital for healthy weight loss. Snack on these instead of packaged treats.
Fat Loss Problem #6: Your PatienceIt takes time to transform your body from fat to fit, even though you want it to happen overnight. Remind yourself that it took time to put the weight on, so it will take time to take the weight off. When you find your patience wavering, or when you encounter a frustrating plateau, do the following:
  • Review your goal. Is it specific and measurable? Is it small and attainable, rather than monumental? Focus on your goal when the going gets tough.
  • Make each workout a new experience. Challenge your body with different resistance, new exercises and a varied pace.
  • Remember that anyone can have one great workout, but that won't get you the body you want. The only way to achieve your goal is by consistently exercising and eating right, plain and simple.
Fat Loss Problem #7: Your SupportPeople who exercise alone are less challenged, less accountable and are more likely to fail. It makes sense. Who would rush to the gym if no one is was waiting for them? Who would push themselves if no one was paying attention? Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster.
  • Find a workout partner who is in better shape than you, or better yet, work with me, your local fitness expert, to guarantee your results.
  • I am passionate about seeing you achieve results—don't waste your time, energy and effort on mistakes.
  • When you start a program with me, you suddenly have the upper hand on weight loss. I'll be in your corner, coaching you each step of the way, keeping you accountable to workouts and giving you that dose of encouragement when you need it most.
Get serious about your results and begin the last weight loss program that you'll ever do.

Call or email today to schedule your first free 30 minute consultation 704-208-9561.

Do-It-Yourself Kitchen Raid

Want faster weight loss?

Then do a self-guided kitchen raid.

If your kitchen is stocked with the makings for healthy meals and snacks you'll easily stay on track, even when those late-night cravings strike.

So what should you keep on hand and what should be banned?

Use this self-guided kitchen raid to help you sort out the good from the fattening.

Go ahead, grab a big box, print out the list below, and then head to the kitchen. When you're done, take that box straight to the nearest food bank.

Your Refrigerator
Let's start with the fridge, which is essentially the heart of your kitchen. If you find something in your fridge that is on the "Donate this" list, then you know what you have to do. Get that box ready.

  • Donate this: Beverages with high fructose corn syrup or sugar. Drinking calories is one of the quickest ways to gain weight, so quickly rid your fridge of any beverage that lists HFCS or sugar on the ingredient list.

    Replace with: Water. It is a well-known fact that most people are partially dehydrated, a condition that is harmful to your health and wreaks havoc on your weight loss efforts. Keep plenty of cold water on hand for proper hydration.
  • Donate this: Fatty meats. It is important that you be selective about the meats that you eat. I may tell you that chicken is a great source of protein, but if you take that as a license to eat fried chicken everyday then the benefit of the protein will be lost in all the extra fat calories.

    Replace with: Lean meats. Skinless chicken breast, lean ground turkey, white fish – there are numerous choices when it comes to lean meats.
  • Donate this: Fruit-flavored yogurt. I hate to break this to you, but that cute individually packaged yogurt is going to do more harm to your waistline than you think. More than 50% of the calories in fruit-flavored yogurt come from sugar. Check out the ingredient list and you likely find both high fructose corn syrup AND sugar.

    Replace with: Plain low-fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, or low-fat cottage cheese. If you love yogurt, then get the low-fat plain version. You can even chop up some fresh fruit and stir it in. Another option is to have a scoop of low-fat cottage cheese with chopped fruit on top.
Your Pantry
This may be the most painful part of your kitchen raid, since most junk food ends up here. So take a moment to give yourself a pep talk before grabbing that garbage bag and opening your pantry.

  • Donate this: Sugar-filled cereal. If sugar or high fructose corn syrup are listed as ingredients on your cereal box, it's got to go. Sugar-filled cereal is basically another form of junk food, and will only add inches to your waist.

    Replace with: Whole Grain Oatmeal. There is a huge difference between instant, sugar-filled oatmeal and whole grain oatmeal.
  • Donate this: Chips/Crackers. While refined chips and crackers are fun to munch on, the extra calories will quickly add up. Do yourself a favor by not allowing these into your pantry.

    Replace with: Almonds. The key to making this snack a winner is to practice portion control. Place a handful of almonds into individual bags for pre-portioned snacks.
  • Donate this: Packaged Sweets. I don't really have to explain this one, do I? Cookies and cakes and candies shouldn't be a regular part of your diet, so keep them out of your house. It's one thing to enjoy a dessert once in a while, it is quite another to routinely eat processed sweets at home.

    Replace with: Dried Fruit. When you want to munch on something sweet, turn to a bag of dried fruit. Make sure that you purchase dried fruit that does not contained added sugars.
Now march that box of off-limit foods to your nearest food bank and don't look back.

It's a great idea to raid your kitchen every couple of months as a way of keeping yourself on track.

Open up dialogue with your family members about the healthy changes that you're making, and get everyone on board.

The quickest and most permanent weight loss comes as a result of healthy eating and consistent, challenging workouts.

I'm here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.

Call or email today to get started on a program today.

Christine Kozachuk, Fitness Expert

Monday, April 27, 2015

Smoked Salmon Omelet

Smoked Salmon Omelet
It's healthy, tastes great and is ready in just a few minutes—what more could you ask for in a breakfast? To make this scrumptious omelet a complete meal, serve it up with wheat toast and fresh fruit. Yield: 2 Servings

Here's what you need...
  • 1 cup egg whites
  • 1/4 cup nonfat cream cheese, softened
  • 2 oz smoked salmon
  • Garlic salt and pepper to taste
  1. Whisk together the egg whites, cream cheese, garlic salt and pepper. Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Gently push the egg whites toward the center as they cook.
  2. When the eggs are almost set, place the salmon on top. Cover the pan and cook for 30 additional seconds. Remove the lid and fold omelet in half. Cut in half and serve.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals 124 calories, 1.8g fat, 2.5g carbohydrate, and 22.65g protein

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Busted! 5 fitness myths

Busted! 5 fitness myths

I'm here to warn you of the 5 myths that most people fall for. Don't waste your time on these:

Myth #1: Take diet pills to boost your effort.
It's so tempting! The commercials make compelling claims about the power of diet pills, but don't fall for it. The 'magic pill' has yet to be discovered (it has been discovered – exercise. It's just not in pill form...). Diet pills are more likely to damage your health and burn your pocketbook than to slim you down.

Tip: Don't pop a pill-instead burn calories with exercise.

Myth #2: Starve the pounds away.

Attempting to lose weight by starving yourself is not only ineffective, it's also dangerous. It may seem that severe calorie restriction would deliver the quickest weight loss, but your body is complex and by doing so you'll disrupt your metabolism and slow your results.

Tip: Don't starve yourself-instead eat healthy small meals throughout the day.

Myth #3: Do extra crunches to flatten your abs.

We all want our midsection to look toned as we stroll down the beach, but excessive crunches aren't the answer for tight abs. In order to achieve a lean look you'll have to focus on burning off the layer of fat that is covering up your abs.

Tip: Don't obsess about crunches-instead focus on fat burning.

Myth #4: Eat packaged diet foods for speedy results. It is amazing to see the kinds of foods that are packaged as 'diet' or 'weight loss' aids. More often than not these products are packed with refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that your body doesn't need.

Tip: Don't eat packaged diet foods-instead stick with nutritious whole foods.

Myth #5: Avoid all carbohydrates in order to slim down.

Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap, which is unfortunate because you can (and should) eat carbs while losing weight. The key is to stick with whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars.

Tip: Don't swear off all carbohydrates-instead stick with wholesome carbs.

Now that you know what not to do in order to look great this summer, it's time to go over your beach ready game plan. Here's what you need to know in 3 simple steps:

Step One: Cut out the junk.

The best way to do this is to start by purging your kitchen. Get rid of sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out don't buy any more of it. Remember that your beach ready abs depend on what you eat – don't eat junk!

Step Two: Focus on whole foods.

Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple.

Step Three: Come partner me.

This is the most obvious step. You're ready to get into great shape and I'm in a unique position to make that happen for you.

Call or reply to this email for a free 30 minute coaching consultation 704-208-9561.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Santa Fe Salmon Salad

Santa Fe Salmon Salad
Eating healthy does not need to be boring. Grilled salmon, crip greens, tender corn and peppers, a sprinkle of cheese and a few slices of avocado make this healthy salad something worth repeating. The flavors in this dish are so delicious there is no need for dressing. Servings: 2

Here’s what you need...
  • 2 (3.5 oz) salmon fillets
  • Santa Fe seasoning blend (2 teaspoons cumin, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon dried oregano, 1 teaspoon thyme, 1/8 teaspoon clove, 1/8 teaspoon allspice, 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon)
  • 4 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
  • 1/2 cup tomato, chopped
  • 1/4 cup corn kernels
  • 1/8 cup low fat cheese, grated
  • 1/8 cup canned red peppers, finely chopped
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  1. Coat the salmon fillets with Santa Fe seasoning. On a pre-heated grill, cook for 8-10 minutes on each side, until flaky and cook all the way through. Remove from heat.
  2. On 2 plates arrange a bed of lettuce, topped with half of the tomato, corn, cheese, peppers and avocado. Place the fillet on top.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 252 calories, 12 fat, 225mg sodium, 12g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 24g protein.

Friday, April 24, 2015

5 secrets for flat abs

5 secrets for flat abs

Wish your stomach was flatter and more toned?

Exercise alone will not get you a toned stomach – diet is a huge part of the equation.

Here are 5 ways to improve your eating habits that will dramatically flatten your abs:

Flat Abs Secret #1: Enjoy natural sweets
Traditional sugar-filled sweets will quickly add up around your waistline. Instead of going for sugary sweets, enjoy natural sweets.
  • Fruit is nature’s candy. Reach for sweet, seasonal fruit for dessert.
  • Avoid foods that contain white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Consider these items ‘anti-flat-abs’.
  • Use wholesome sweeteners such as pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup or dates in your recipes instead of white sugar. Eliminate white sugar from your kitchen.
Flat Abs Secret #2: Don’t eat after 6pm
This is such a simple and effective way to lose fat. Late night eating is the most damaging to your waistline, so cut it out completely.
  • Brush your teeth immediately following dinner. Once your teeth are brushed, you’ve put a period to the end of your consumption for the day.
  • Change your evening routine. If you’ve always ended your day watching your favorite shows with your hand in the snack bowl, then now is the time to change things up. Find activities that don’t revolve around food and stick with those.
  • Make it a habit. The first few weeks will be the hardest, but soon your new no-food-after-6pm routine will feel normal.
Flat Abs Secret #3: Eat more fiber
Most people simply do not get enough fiber in their diets. Fiber is essential when it comes to getting lean since it is low calorie while filling you up.
  • Instead of seeing salad just as a side item, make salads into meals. Add protein to a large pile of greens for a guiltless meal. *Try the recipe for Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad below.
  • Make veggies a part of every meal. The benefits of eating more vegetables are too numerous to list, just know that your body will become healthier and leaner with each fibrous bite.
  • Fruits are a delicious source of fiber. Incorporate fresh, seasonal fruits into your daily diet.
Flat Abs Secret #4: Cut back on carbs
Notice I didn’t say to cut out all carbs, but rather to cut back on carbs. These diet tweaks are meant as lifestyle changes that you stick with long term. Cutting back on carbs is a realistic and very effective way to drop fat.
  • Always choose whole grain bread and pasta over white. Whole grains are less likely to be stored as fat than processed grains.
  • Eat half of the carbs you normally do. Eat your sandwich open-faced and reduce the size of your pasta serving.
  • Avoid carb-filled snacks between meals. Instead of crackers or chips, have fresh fruit and veggies.
Flat Abs Secret #5: Drink tons of water
Drinking plenty of water is another extremely simple way to promote fat loss. Chronic dehydration leads to false hunger signals and unnecessary calorie consumption.
  • Drink a large glass of water before each meal. This will prevent overeating.
  • Choose water instead of sugar-filled sodas and juices. Sugar-filled drinks are a huge weight-gain trap.
  • Carry a water bottle with you throughout your day. Keep water in the car and at your desk for constant hydration.
Eating right, coupled with challenging exercise, is the formula for a toned, lean body —so guarantee your results by teaming up with me.

Call or email today to get started.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fruit Medley

Fruit Medley
Craving something sweet? This recipe is the perfect summer dessert. If you don't have nectarine or pear on hand, be creative and use other fresh fruits. Servings: 2

Here's what you need...
  • 1 white nectarine, chopped
  • 1 pear, chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped pecans
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped dates
  • Dash of cinnamon
  1. Mix the nectarine, pear, pecans, and dates in a medium sized bowl. Sprinkle with cinnamon and mix until well coated.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 119 calories, 3g fat, 24g carbohydrate, 4.5g fiber, and 1.5g protein

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Just the wake up call you needed

Just the wake up call you needed

It happens to everyone. That moment when you realize that it's time to do something about your weight.

It may happen when you're looking in the mirror or standing on the scale.

Your first thought is to go on a ‘diet' but as quickly as that enters your mind the ghosts of a hundred diets past return...along with all the frustration.

Then you wonder, why bother?

The weight will come back, as it always has. Then you'll be back in front of the mirror as discouraged as ever.

The answer is not to go on another diet.

The answer is to change your lifestyle.

You've heard this before, and it makes sense, right? So why haven't you done it?

Your Lifestyle Obstacles.Most people resist changing their lifestyle for two reasons.
  1. Change is scary. Whether you realize it or not, your life is in a constant state of change.

    Though you cling to the familiar, it's a futile struggle. Change always wins.

    The most consistent thing in life is change. Since you'll never escape it, you might as well channel it. It's time to make the change in your life purposeful and positive.
  2. Lifestyle misconception. How many times have you heard the term ‘healthy lifestyle' only to picture a health nut with celery sticks in one hand and tofu in the other? The truth is that most people think that changing their lifestyle will be an extreme and unpleasant experience—and that's not true.

    Improving your lifestyle does not mean swearing off chocolate or living in the gym. You don't have to eat wheat germ for lunch and you can still enjoy a nice plate of pasta. The key is moderation.
Making the Change
It's time to lose your ‘all or nothing' mentality. Embrace simple, small changes that will add up to big improvements in your lifestyle. These are your main venues for change:

What You Eat. Let's face it, most of the foods you eat aren't the healthiest. Some are downright terrible (the burger and fries you had last week). While others are simply excessive (the snacks you eat while watching TV).

The solution to cleaning up your daily diet is NOT to go back on a ‘diet'. In fact, I never want you to go on a ‘diet' again. (Yes, you heard me right!) Instead I want you to make permanent healthy changes to your eating habits.

Here are some practical examples:
  • Choose salad over chips or fries
  • Don't add butter to your food
  • Eat fresh produce with every meal
  • Purchase fat free dairy products
  • Limit desserts to one or two per week
  • Cut out mindless snacking
  • Drink water, not soda
I don't expect you to eat a perfect diet every day of the week – that'd be ludicrous. You should, however, make MORE healthy choices every day than unhealthy ones.

What You Do. Exercise is a huge component to a healthy lifestyle, and quite frankly you're not getting enough of it. How often does an entire week go by without you ever lacing up your tennis shoes? Don't disregard the importance and power of a good workout.

Your new healthy lifestyle means exercising on most days of the week. This may seem tough, but I have the perfect solution – my training programs were created for busy people just like you who only have so much time to dedicate to exercise.

I understand how hard it is to find the motivation to stay consistent and to push yourself. Make exercise a no-brainer—contact me to get started on a lifestyle enhancing program today.

Here are simple ways to move more:
  • Watch less TV
  • Stretch stiff muscles every day
  • Play at the park with the kids
  • Go for a jog
  • Do some pushups every morning
While none of the above are meant as substitutes for a solid exercise routine, they are great ways to become more active and to improve your lifestyle.

Your lifestyle is the balance of all the choices that you make regarding your body. Swing the balance in your favor—make a majority of your choices health conscious.

So the next time you're in front of the mirror you won't worry about your weight.

You'll relish it.

Call or email today to get started on a program that works for you 704-208-9561.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mediterranean Lettuce Wrap

Mediterranean Lettuce Wrap
This wrap is savory and refreshing, and is the perfect meal to get you beach ready. I recommend roasting your own bell pepper, since most store bought roasted bell peppers are packaged in oil. To do so simply throw it on the grill until soft and then peel the skin after it cools. Servings: 1

Here's what you need...
  • 1 large leaf of lettuce
  • 2 slices lean turkey
  • 1 roasted red bell pepper, cut into 4 segments
  • 2 tablespoons garlic hummus
  • 1 tablespoon olive tapenade
  1. Lay the lettuce leaf flat and spread with 1 tablespoon of hummus. Place the turkey slices on the lettuce and spread with remaining hummus. Sprinkle the olive tapenade over the turkey and top with the roasted bell pepper.
  2. Wrap the lettuce, use a tooth pick to hold it together.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 170 calories, 6g fat, 15g carbohydrate, 5g fiber, and 15g protein.

Monday, April 20, 2015

How to know if you’re overeating

How to know if you’re overeating

Let's face it, the extra pounds you're carrying around are due to overeating – plain and simple. Why do you overeat? Here are a few likely reasons:

1. Habit: Whether you realize it or not, you eat in a learned pattern, rather than out of need. You clean your plate because that's what your mother taught. You eat what is served without stopping to check if you are full. You butter two pieces of toast for breakfast rather than questioning if one piece would do the job.

2. Absentminded: You forget to pay attention when you eat. Mindless munching while watching a movie, snacking while driving, or picking at food while cooking – these absentminded calories really add up.

3. Something Deeper: Sometimes you use food for recreation or to change your mood. These calories may lend you a temporary sense of comfort or pleasure, but ultimately your body suffers from the indulgence.

Here are 3 Steps To overcome Overeating – read these, and apply them to your life.

Step #1: Pay Attention

Be aware of what and how much you eat. This simple concept will save you from hundreds upon hundreds of calories each week.

To apply this rule, don't eat while your attention is distracted by another activity. Only put food in your mouth when you are hungry and conscious of it. This means turn off the T.V., get out of your car, and no matter what you do, don't graze in the kitchen while cooking.

Step #2: Practice Balance

Be aware of the types of food that you eat during each meal, and make sure that it's balanced. When you eat a balanced diet filled with lean protein, whole grains, lots of veggies, a few daily servings of fruit and limited fat and sweets, your body will be satisfied and you'll lose the urge to overeat.

This means you shouldn't always eat carb-based meals, and you also shouldn't always eat high-fat meals. Make a mental checklist of the food groups that you've eaten each day. Did you eat lean protein? Did you have plenty of vegetables? Did you refrain from eating more than one or two primarily carb-based meals? This mental checklist will save you from making food decisions that you'd later regret.

Step #3: Be Tuned In

Your body will always tell you when its hunger has been satisfied – you've just gotten so good at ignoring the signs that you barrel through your meal only to feel like you've been hit by a ton of bricks once all that food hits your stomach. It's time to take a deep breath and listen to your body.

An important part of being tuned in is to eat slowly. Once you start to pay attention you'll notice a point when each bite becomes less and less satisfying. That is your body's way of letting you know that you've had enough and that each continued bite is simply overkill (yes, even if you're only halfway through that plate of pasta).

By learning how to control your eating habits, you'll find weight loss to come simply and naturally.

Want to speed up your weight loss, make it permanent, and shape your body at the same time? I've got what it takes to get you there! No guesswork, no fad diets, and no super long workouts.

Call or email today to start one of my programs that will quickly change your life. 704-208-9561

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Best Spinach Salad Ever

Best Spinach Salad Ever
The first thing that you’ll notice about this salad is that it tastes amazing. It also doesn’t hurt that spinach is an extremely nutrient-dense food. The recipe calls for raspberry vinegar, which is a flavorful and refreshing alternative to traditional, oily dressing. The fruit and nuts add flavor, fiber and healthy fat.

Servings: 8

Here’s what you need:
  • 8 cups cleaned spinach leaves
  • 3 oranges, peeled, sliced and quartered
  • 2 cucumbers, peeled sliced and quartered
  • 1/8 cup macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped
  • 1/8 cup sunflower seeds
  • 2 Tablespoons poppy seeds
  • 1 cup strawberries, sliced or whole raspberries
  • 1/2 cup white balsamic raspberry blush vinegar
  1. Combined the spinach, oranges, cucumbers, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds and strawberries in a bowl.
  2. Add the vinegar and toss well.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 99 calories, 3g fat, 14g carbohydrate, 2.6g fiber, and 3.5g protein.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The truth about portion sizes (shocking!)

The truth about portion sizes (shocking!)

Should we eat everything on our plates?

It’s no secret that people are larger today than ever before. Waistlines have expanded over the last forty years and studies show that potion sizes have grown as well.

Researchers from New York University found that average portion sizes started to grow in the 1970’s, rising quickly in the 1980’s—and this phenomenon hasn’t shown signs of slowing. A “large” order of fries from McDonalds’ weighs the same as 1998’s “Supersize” fries. And it doesn’t stop there. Check out these eye-opening figures, provided by the National Institutes of Health:
  • Today's 6-inch bagel has 350 calories. This is 210 more calories than a 3-inch bagel 20 years ago.
  • Today's 5 ounce muffin has 500 calories. This is 310 calories more than muffin 20 years ago.
  • Today, a large cookie has about 275 calories. This is 220 more calories more than a cookie 20 years ago.
  • Today, a 3 cup chicken Caesar salad has 790 calories. This is 400 more calories more than Caesar salads 20 years ago.
Keep in mind that the health experts all agree on one thing: Obesity is on the rise because people eat too many calories and do not exercise enough. Portion control is a very important factor for losing weight, but to attain a slim and healthy physique exercise is also a must.
I am your local fitness expert, and I’m here to get you started on an exercise program that will change your life and shape forever. Now, back to our discussion on portion distortion…

Now that you know portion sizes today are far larger than you really need, what are you going to do the next time you go out to eat? Try the following 3 tips and watch as your waist begins to slim and your confidence soars.

Trim-Down Tip #1: Re-program Your Mind
I’m sure your mother did a great job when she taught you to “clean your plate.” The problem now lies in the fact that your plate is usually loaded with more than 3 times the calories that you really need. So what’s the solution?

Realize that it is O.K. to leave food on your plate. Eating everything on the plate is probably a habit now, but it is one that you can break. Focus on how you feel halfway through your meal. Are you full? If you are beginning to feel full then stop eating. Don’t worry—your mom won’t send you to your room!

Trim-Down Tip #2: Slow Down

I know that this is a tough one—so bear with me. These days we are in such a hurry, we rush to work, rush to lunch, rush through errands and then rush home. So it is no wonder that food consumption is no exception. Most meals are devoured before your stomach has the chance to let you know that it is full.

Eat your next meal slower than usual. Chew each bite thoroughly, engage in conversation and pay attention for signs that you may be getting full. Once you realize that you are full, stop eating. Congratulations—you just tailored your portion down to its proper size.

Trim-Down Tip #3: Go Halfsies

I understand that it may be very difficult for you to leave food on your plate, even though your mother isn’t looking over your shoulder, and even if you eat slowly. No problem—you just need to do some strategic planning. The next time you go out to eat do one of the following two options.

1) Share an entrée with a friend and order salad or soup to start your meal. This will cut your calories down dramatically, while still giving you the satisfaction of clearing your plate.

2) If sharing isn’t an option then ask your waiter to bring a to-go box along with your order. As soon as the food is placed in front of you put half of it into the to-go box. You are now left with a reasonable portion and even have your next meal taken care of.

Call or email today to set up our consultation. Let’s do this! 704-208-9561

Friday, April 17, 2015

Grilled Bok Choy

Grilled Bok Choy
Ready to grill? Throw some bok choy on the BBQ! Bok choy is packed with vitamins A, C and K, as well as beta carotene. This grilled bok choy has tender stems and crispy leaf edges.

Servings: 6

Here’s what you need...
  • 2 lbs bok choy
  • 1 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
  1. Preheat grill and lightly oil the grate.
  2. In a small bowl combine the oil and seasonings. Mix well.
  3. Slice the bottom off the head of bok choy, and wash each stem.
  4. Lay bok choy on prepared grill. Brush with the seasoned oil mixture. Cover grill and cook until stems show grill marks, about 4 minutes. Turn the bok choy, brush with more seasoned oil mixture and grill the other side.
  5. Transfer to platter and serve.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 36.5 calories, 2.6g fat, 3g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 2g protein.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Grill Your Way Lean

Grill Your Way Lean

Grilling is the most popular pastime of summer.

While outdoor cookouts are a great opportunity to relax and visit with friends and family, did you know that the average barbecue meal exceeds 1500 calories? That’s almost an entire day’s worth of calories in one meal.

That type of eating will do some serious damage to your waist over the course of the summer. The good news is that barbecue season doesn’t have to be fattening. In fact, with a few small changes to your barbecue menu, you can turn summer into the perfect opportunity for weight loss.

So before you slather on the sunscreen and fire up your grill, read the following tips to grill your way lean this summer.

On the Grill:Believe it or not, grilling is actually a very healthy way to cook meat. Of course the type of meat that you choose will make all of the difference. Burgers and hot dogs are traditional barbecue meats, but they aren’t the healthiest. Try the following:
  • Choose lean cuts of beef, pork or poultry
  • Marinade with low fat dressing
  • Make hamburgers with extra-lean ground beef
  • Take the skin off chicken before grilling
  • Replace beef patties with ground turkey patties
  • Grill up salmon or cod
  • Forego the meat and grill veggie burgers
Side Dishes: This is where most people run into trouble. Barbecue side dishes are typically filled with loads of fat. Creamy coleslaw and potato salads can hold as much as 15 grams of fat per serving. Try the following instead:
  • Make veggie kabobs and grill them
  • Grill bok choy (see recipe below)
  • Replace the mayo in your salads with low-fat mayo
  • Serve fresh salad with light vinaigrette
  • Try whole-grain macaroni for your pasta salad
  • Grill up corn on the cob (pass on the butter)
  • Put out a veggie tray with low fat dip
Drinks: Most people don’t realize that beverages play a big role in summer weight gain. Margaritas, beer, soda pop and punch all contain lots of empty calories. Try the following:
  • Drink water, it is always your healthiest option
  • Stick with light beer
  • If you have to have a soda pop stick with diet
  • Brew unsweetened ice tea and serve with lemon
Dessert: Yes, there are ways to satisfy your sweet tooth while getting lean. Think outside of the box instead of turning to the typical fattening options like ice cream, pie, cake or cookies. Try the following:
  • Grill mango, banana and pineapple on kabobs
  • Stick with sorbet instead of ice cream
  • Replace peach pie with grilled peach halves
  • Choose light ice cream over regular
Remember, it’s ok to splurge every once in a while. Enjoy yourself. Just keep in mind that by taking a few of the above suggestions you can enjoy great food while getting back into great shape. Want to shape up even more this summer? Call or email today for a free consultation 704-208-9561.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Beef and Broccoli Dinner

Beef and Broccoli Dinner
Here's a delicious weeknight dinner recipe that's quick to throw together. With lots of fiber and protein, this is the type of meal that will help make your fitness goals a reality. Servings: 6

Here's what you need...
  • 2/3 cup coconut aminos or low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons fresh ginger, minced
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup filtered water
  • 1/3 cup pure maple syrup, grade b
  • 3 Tablespoons arrowroot starch
  • 2 Tablespoon Olive oil, divided
  • 1 bunch green onions, chopped
  • 4 cups organic broccoli, cut into small pieces
  • 1.5 lbs grass-fed flank, skirt or minute steak, cut into very thin strips
  1. In a medium bowl combine the coconut aminos, ginger, garlic, water, syrup and arrowroot. Set aside.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, on high, in a large skillet or wok. Add the green onions and broccoli, sauté for 5 minutes. Remove from skillet.
  3. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil and stir-fry the steak until almost done, about 4 minutes.
  4. Return the veggies to the skillet and add the sauce. Heat until the sauce boils and thickens, about 3 minutes. Serve and enjoy.
Nutritional Analysis: 371 calories, 14g fat, 684mg sodium, 15g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 34g protein

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Add this to your favorites

Add this to your favorites

We all have a list of our favorite things. It may not be written down anywhere, but you know the things that make you happy.

The list holds your favorite foods, music, TV shows, movies and even people in your life that you can't get enough of. This is the stuff that you really enjoy. It's the stuff that makes your life worth living.

Somewhere on the list is your health and appearance. You know that looking and feeling great make a good life even better.

The interesting thing about your list is that without fail you'll always make time for it.
  • When your TV show airs, you watch it or record it to watch later.
  • When your favorite actor stars in a new movie, you do your part by going to the theatre.
  • When you're hungry, you turn to your favorite foods.
  • When the weekend rolls around, you do everything you can to spend time with the special people in your life.
Yet when it comes to exercise you automatically say, "I don't have time."

Time for TV, but no time for exercise...

We live in an age where life is full. You don't have extra time anymore.

You no longer have time. You make time.
  • You make time for your TV show.
  • You make time for your hobby.
  • You make time for your friends.
It's time to drop the charade of "I don't have time to exercise" and call it what it really is. An excuse.

You know how to make time for your favorite things. You know you want good health. You know you want to look great. You know you want more energy.

Exercise delivers all those benefits - and more.

I believe that exercise belongs on your list of favorite things.

Make It A Favorite: How do you turn something that you've dreaded into something that you enjoy?

1. Block the Negative: Your thoughts play a big part in determining your favorite things. Block out any negative thoughts you may have about exercise. Focus your energy on creating a positive attitude that will get you excited about hitting the gym, rather than dreading it.

2. Focus on the Benefits: With exercise you have so much to gain and nothing to lose. Exercise makes you stronger, sexier, happier, and gives you more energy. Pick the benefit that moves you the most and fixate on it.

3. Get Guidance: The easiest way to put exercise on your list of favorite things is to experience it at its best. Get onboard with one of my exercise programs and I'll show you the most effective and enjoyable techniques that will get you into the best shape of your life.

Call or email me today and we can get started on program that you'll truly enjoy. Let's do this! 704-208-9561

Monday, April 13, 2015

Milanese Steak Grill

Milanese Steak Grill
Give your taste buds an early summer vacation with this tantalizing combination of parsley, lemon peel, garlic and white wine. Make sure to trim your steak of all visible fat before grilling to enjoy the leanest cut possible. Add a side of steamed veggies and brown rice for a healthy, tasty meal. Yield: 4 servings

Here's what you need…
  • 1 lb. boneless beef top round steak, 3/4 inch thick, trimmed of fat
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoons grated lemon peel
  • 3 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/4 cup dry white wine or chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  1. Heat grill. Lightly sprinkle both sides of steak with salt and pepper. When ready to grill, place steak on gas grill over medium heat or on charcoal grill 4 to 6 inches from medium coals. Cook 8 to 11 minutes until desired doneness, turning once.
  2. Meanwhile, on rimmed platter or in shallow baking dish, combine remaining ingredients; mix well.
  3. Place hot grilled steak in sauce mixture. Cut steak diagonally across grain into slices. Coat each slice with sauce mixture before placing on individual plates. Spoon any remaining sauce over steak slices.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals 150 calories, 4g fat, 2g carbohydrates and 24g protein.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Beware of these 7 dieting mistakes

Beware of these 7 dieting mistakes

It's a common problem. You've been on a diet for weeks and aren't losing weight like you thought you would.

It may be because you're consuming more calories than you think.

Keep reading to discover seven sneaky habits that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Mistake #1: Forgetting Liquid Calories

It's easy to forget that the things you drink have calories—some more than you'd think. In fact, some beverages have more calories than an entire plate of food.

It is estimated that around 20 percent of your daily calories come from what you drink. So as you drink your juice with breakfast, rehydrate with a sports drink at the gym, or drink a glass of wine at dinner, think about the calories you're adding.

For calories' sake, it's best to avoid all sweetened sodas, sweetened or flavored coffee drinks, sweetened tea, and smoothies. Replace these high-calorie drinks with water, skim milk, and unsweetened herbal tea. Because while they taste great, liquids generally don't satisfy hunger, so they are just empty calories.

Mistake #2 Meal Skipping

Many dieters think they'll cut their calorie intake by skipping a meal, usually breakfast.

But this is a mistake.

Research has shown that those who skip breakfast actually weigh more than those who eat three meals a day. Skipping a meal usually causes you to eat more calories during the day because you will end up eating even more food later in the day because you're so hungry.

So aim to eat three (or more) meals a day. A healthy breakfast that will keep you feeling full all morning contains protein and fiber. An example would be whole-wheat toast and an egg.

Mistake #3: Oversized Portions

Just because restaurants load your plate with a mountain of food doesn't mean you should eat that much at home for a normal meal.

Remember that your stomach, like your heart, is the size of your fist. Don't think you could fit much food into your fist? You're right. And contrary to what mama taught you as a child, you don't have to eat all the food in front of you.

To eat a little less, use smaller plates and eat slower so you know when you're full. Also, remember that portion control also applies to healthy foods, as they, too, contain calories.

Mistake #4: Too Many Extras

A salad is a healthy, low calorie option. At least until you add dressing, bacon, cheese, and croutons.

These add extra calories fast.

One tablespoon of dressing contains 75 to 100 calories. With that in mind, it's no wonder grilled-chicken salads at a fast-food restaurant can have more calories than a hamburger.

Mistake #5: Blaming Your Genes

Many people give up on dieting or think there's no hope when it comes to meeting their goal weight because of their genes.

Just like you may share your father's hair color or your mother's eye color, there is a small chance you also share your parent's body type. However, this is no excuse for doing nothing about trying to lose weight.

Stick to your diet and exercise plan and you should definitely see results.

Mistake #6: Eating Without Thinking

It happens to everyone. You're tired after a long day and you just want to veg in front of the television or read a good book. Unfortunately, mindlessly eating is often involved. You may think that since it's not on a plate it doesn't matter, but every bite you take counts.

When it comes to a successful diet, make rules for appropriate times to eat. And don't always feel the need to eat when relaxing. Try sipping on water or tea, chewing gum, or simply don't put anything in your mouth.

Mistake #7: Eliminating All Treats

Dieters often become overzealous in their plan and completely rid the house of all the food they enjoy, whether chips, sweets, snacks, or any high calorie food.

This commitment may last a few days until you can't tolerate it any longer and you overindulge on what you deprived yourself of.

A better plan is to allow yourself a treat every once in a while.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes, but be smart and don't let these common pitfalls keep your from meeting your weight loss goal!

Reach your fitness potential faster by coupling your good diet with a challenging exercise program. I'm here to motivate, instruct and encourage you to reach your goal.

Call or email today to get started on a program that will truly improve your quality of life.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

PB&J Makeover

PB&J Makeover
Not all PB&J sandwiches were created nutritionally equal. It all depends on the quality of the ingredients that you use.

If you use white bread, corn syrup-filled peanut butter and refined sugar-filled jelly, the result would be a sandwich that will skyrocket your blood sugar, promotes fat storage and leaves you feeling hungry a short time later.

However, if you make this recipe, with sprouted grain bread, true peanut butter made from one ingredient: peanuts, and fruit preserves that are naturally sweetened with fruit juice rather than sugar, then the result would be a nutritionally dense food that would promote stable blood sugar levels and provide you with hours of sustained energy.

Your kids will love the fun twist of having their sandwich grilled and stuffed with banana slices!

Servings: 1

Here's what you need:
  • Sprouted grain bread
  • 1 Tablespoon pure peanut butter (no added sugar or corn syrup)
  • 1 Tablespoon natural fruit spread (no added sugar or corn syrup)
  • 1/2 of a banana, sliced
  1. Spread one piece of bread with peanut butter and the other with fruit spread. Line one side with the sliced bananas and sandwich it.
  2. In a grill pan over medium heat, grill each side until grill marks appear and the sandwich is warmed.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 380 calories, 8.7g fat, 53g carbohydrate, 9g fiber, and 13.2g protein.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Your kids need this

Your kids need this

Every parent wants good things for their children: a positive outlook on life, a healthy respect for authority, a strong sense of self, a disease-free body…a healthy body weight.

Despite our best intentions, a recent report suggests that for the first time in two centuries, the current generation of children may have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

With all the advances in medicine, how could this possibly be true? The blame falls squarely on today's toxic food environment.

In short, your kids are eating too much junk.

And who can blame them? Junk food tastes great.

The good news is that healthy food also tastes great. Take these simple tips and transform your child's diet into one that is packed with good health.

1) Add Color

Adding bright and colorful fruits and veggies to your child's plate will get their diet on the fast track to health. Fresh fruits and veggies are filled with fiber, vitamins and minerals that are essential to good health.

If your kids are resistant then make it fun. Serve veggies with salad dressing as a dip. Cut fresh fruit in the colors of the rainbow and place them on a skewer. Serve a color themed meal – all green, all red or all orange. Use your imagination and you'll come up with an endless number of ways to make fruits and veggies fun to eat.

2) Think Whole Foods

Processed foods are the biggest problem with our modern diet. Packaged and refined food products are devitalized and filled with empty calories that quickly lead to weight gain. Unfortunately, processed foods make up a large portion of the diet of many children.

Train your kids to opt for whole foods, rather than packaged ones. Whole foods are foods that are in their natural state. An apple. A piece of sprouted grain bread spread with natural peanut butter. A piece of hormone-free chicken. A bowl of beans. You get the idea.

3) Use Wholesome Sweeteners

Refined sugar and corn syrup are packed into many of the foods that your kids love. But wait, there are more wholesome sweeteners available – sweeteners that add vitamins and minerals rather than empty calories. Use the following rather than white sugar or corn syrup:
  • Sucanat: This pure, dried sugar can juice retains its molasses content. Use it to replace white sugar in baking.
  • Pure Maple Syrup: Forget the “fake” syrups containing corn syrup. Pure maple syrup contains potassium, calcium and some amino acids.
  • Brown Rice Syrup: Use this dark syrupy sweetener instead of corn syrup. It takes longer to digest and won't spike your blood sugar like refined sugar.
  • Dates: Throw a few seeded dates into your blender to sweeten your smoothie rather than adding white sugar.
4) Make Smart Substitutions

Kids love pizza and pasta and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and that's not going to change any time soon. Rather than fight your kids on their favorites, try making smart substitutions to make their favorites more nutritious.
  • Pizza: Up the nutritional content of your pizza by opting for wheat crust over white, adding veggies to the toppings and sticking with lean meat toppings.
  • Pasta: Use sprouted grain or whole grain pasta rather than traditional white pasta. Add veggies to your pasta sauce. Stick with red sauce, since white sauce is so high in fat.
  • PB&J: A PB&J, made with white bread using sugar-filled peanut butter and corn syrup-filled jelly, is fairly void of any real nutritional value. Try the PB&J Makeover recipe below instead for a sandwich that will provide real wholesome fuel for your child's day.
5) Ban Sugary Drinks

One of the best things that you can do for your child's good health is to instill in them a love for water rather than sugary drinks. Soda pop and juices are filled with empty calories that encourage weight gain.

The easiest way to do this is to stock your house with lots of pure, filtered water. Don't have fruit drinks or soda pop readily available so that they grow accustom to drinking only water.

While I presented these tips as improvements to be made to your child's diets, these tips will also do wonders for your diet. Try these 5 tips out for 30 days and I guarantee you'll look and feel better.

Parents all want good things for their children. Now how about doing something good for yourself as well? You are your child's biggest role model on how to live, for better or worse.

Treat yourself right by calling or emailing today to get started on a program that will change your life for the best.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Savory Broccoli Rabe

Savory Broccoli Rabe
Here's a delicious way to dress up broccoli rabe. Broccoli rabe is a non-heading type of broccoli with long thin leafy stalks that's topped with small florets. It's packed with vitamins A, C and K in addition to potassium, iron and calcium. It also contains phytochemicals that fight cancer and improve your overall health. Servings: 6

Here's what you need:
  • 3 Tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
  • 2 bunches broccoli rabe, stems trimmed
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/4 cup kalamata olives, halved
  • dash of freshly ground sea salt
  • Juice from 1 small lemon
  1. Place a steamer basket over a 3 quart pot, filled with water up to the bottom of the basket. Bring the water to a boil, add the broccoli, cover and steam for 3 minutes. Immediately drop the broccoli into a bowl of ice water. After a few minutes drain the broccoli and set aside.
  2. In a large skillet warm the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute until golden. Add the broccoli, olives and salt. Saute for another 5 minutes until tender. Remove from heat, place in a serving dish, sprinkle with pine nuts and toss with lemon juice.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 58 calories, 4.4g fat, 3g carbohydrate, 7.1g fiber, and over 2.5g protein.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Found: the fountain of youth

Found: the fountain of youth

Turns out the sought-after magic elixir has been right under our noses!

I'm talking about water. Pure, simple water.

Before you scoff at this idea, check if you're dehydrated. Sadly as much as 75% of adults suffer from mild, chronic dehydration, a condition that dramatically works against your weight 1oss efforts.

Here is why water consumption must be at the top of your list in your quest for a fit, healthy and athletic body...

Water does all that?

Though you probably don't think about it often, water is the most essential element, next to air, to your survival. The simple combination of two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen makes up more than two thirds of your body and is involved in a host of bodily functions that we routinely take for granted.

Just to name a few:
  • Water works to regulate the thermal condition of your body
  • Water serves as a lubricant in your joints
  • Water helps flush toxins from your blood
  • Water gives your skin a clear, glowing complexion
  • Water assists with digestion, pulling all the usable nutrients out of foods
  • Water aides in disease prevention (Drinking 8 glasses a day has shown to reduce your chance of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%)
What about fitness and fat-1oss?

You've probably heard that you need to drink plenty of water in order to drop weight, but did you ever wonder why? What does water have to do with decreasing your calories and increasing your activity level in an effort to shed pounds?

1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant

Fill your stomach with a glass of water before each meal and you will find that you won't eat as much. This also works on snacking throughout the day, keep hydrated all day long and watch as your desire to snack decreases.

2. Water increases your body's ability to efficiently metabolize fat
This process begins with your kidneys receiving enough water to function at their peak, which in turn helps your liver reach optimal efficiency in removing toxins and waste from your blood. With your liver working at maximum capacity, fat will be metabolized at a higher rate. This means a decrease in your overall body fat. (And who doesn't want that?)

3. Water is the perfect substitute for high calorie beverages
Want to super-charge your fitness results this summer? Well, this is the most effective way to utilize water toward your waist-shrinking efforts. Most of us consume more than our share of calorie-packed beverages. Smoothies, shakes, frozen mochas, soft drinks...you get the idea. When you trade your high calorie beverages in for a tall glass of water you will expedite your results in a major way.

The Other Side of the Story...

Now you know that drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you reach your fitness goals faster than ever, but you should also know that failing to drink enough water comes with serious consequences...
  • Your body will shift into "preserve" mode—which means you will store more fat.
  • Bodily functions will slow—leading to an overall decrease in energy levels.
  • Headaches will become an expected nuisance—your brain is over 70% water.
To avoid dehydration check out the following 5 Hydration Tips:

Hydration Tip #1: Caffeinated beverages—such as coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks—cause your body to lose water. After you enjoy a dose of caffeine replace the lost water by drinking 2 times that amount in water.

Hydration Tip #2: Add a slice of lemon to your water to spice things up.

Hydration Tip #3: Always carry water with you throughout your day—keep a bottle in the car, at your workplace and next to your bed.

Hydration Tip #4:
Exercise and hot summer days both increase your body's water requirements—make a mental note to drink before, during and after exercise or while out on a hot day.

Hydration Tip #5: Make it a habit to begin your day with a large glass of water then drink a glass before each meal and one between meals.

Bonus Hydration Tip #6: There is one other thing you can do to achieve you fitness goals in the shortest amount of time possible – work with a certified fitness expert like me!

Want to know more? Just call or email today to set up a consultation.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Quinoa Fruit Salad

Quinoa Fruit Salad
This refreshing summer salad is made with quinoa. Quinoa is a gluten-free, protein- packed seed. It's a complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids. Add a side of lean protein to your salad and you've got a highly nutritious, balanced meal. Servings: 6

Here's what you need...
  • 3/4 cup plain non-fat greek yogurt
  • 2 Tablespoons lime juice, divided
  • 1-15 fresh mint leaves, minced
  • 2 cups cooked quinoa
  • optional dash of salt and pepper
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup green grapes, halved
  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1 teaspoon agave nectar
  1. In a small bowl combine the yogurt, 1 tablespoon lime juice and the mint. Pour over the cooked quinoa and mix well. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. In another bowl combine the fruit, agave nectar and remaining lime juice.
  3. Cover and refrigerate each bowl for 2 hours, to allow the flavors to emerge, then combine the fruit with the quinoa and serve.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 114 calories, 1 fat, 13mg sodium, 20g carbohydrate, 2.5g fiber, and 6g protein.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Why your fat loss is stuck

Why your fat loss is stuck

If your scale won't budge, then this story is for you.

Jon Gabriel was stuck.

At nearly 410 pounds, he had tried every diet imaginable – with no luck.

No matter what approach he took to lose fat, his body would fight him, and he would inevitably end up heavier than before.

Then one day he had a light bulb-over-the-head "ah-hah" moment: His body wanted to be fat, and as long as it wanted to be fat, there was nothing he could do to lose weight.

If you've struggled for any length of time with weight loss, then you know the frustration that Gabriel felt in that moment. He was at war with his body.

In the two years following Gabriel's "ah-hah" moment, he lost over 220 pounds naturally, without surgery or counting calories. His incredible journey is recounted in his book The Gabriel Method.

One of the key components to his success was that he identified and addressed the mental and emotional reasons that his body felt safe being overweight. Once these issues were eliminated, the weight began to fall off.

The Real Reason You Can't Lose Weight

According to Gabriel, your body wants to be fat anytime it decides that being fat is the best way to keep you safe. Once your body understands that being thin is the best way to keep you safe, your body will want to be thin and the weight will fall off.

This all ties into our survival instincts to protect us from starvation, freezing to death or being eaten.

In our modern world you have different worries than being chased by a lion, but even modern stress about paying your bills create the exact same chemical signals that are produced when you are starving or freezing. This convinces your body that you need to be fat in order to be safe.

When you approach weight loss from the outside in, you overlook mental and emotional threats that can confuse your body into thinking that being fat can help keep you safe.

Here are four threats that may be affecting you:

1. Fear of Scarcity: When you spend your time in fear that you don't have enough money then you send a message to your body that resources are limited. The only resource that your body recognizes is food – and storing fat is how your body saves up.

2. Emotional Obesity: At a subconscious level you may have the association that being fat makes you feel safer, or that it is serving another emotional need. In this case your body is simply trying to protect you; it is making you feel safer emotionally.

3. Mental Starvation: Though your body only recognizes physical starvation, you can also be suffering from emotional or mental starvation.

This could be a desire for love, joy, fun, intimacy, or a deeper spiritual connection. Any mental or emotional longing can send the same chemical signals in your brain that physical starvation causes.

4. Dysfunctional Beliefs: If you believe that you were meant to be fat, or deserve to be fat, or if you view weight loss as impossible, then your body will obey by refusing to lose weight. Change your dysfunctional beliefs first and then weight loss will become simple.

Exercise was a big part of Gabriel's remarkable weight loss journey. Once he broke through the mental and emotional reasons for his obesity, his body craved activity.

Are you ready to begin your weight loss journey? I'm here to help.  704-208-9561

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad

Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad
This recipe makes a perfect flat-abs meal. Fresh greens, grilled peaches and tender salmon make a mouthwatering combination. Enjoy for lunch or dinner.

Servings: 1

Here's what you need:
  • 2 cups mixed greens
  • 1/4 cup grilled peaches
  • 1 Tablespoon blue cheese crumbles
  • 1 Tablespoon dried cranberries
  • 1 Tablespoon light salad dressing
  • 7 oz grilled salmon
  1. Toss the greens, peaches, blue cheese, and cranberries in a bowl with salad dressing. Top with grilled salmon.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 365 calories, 14g fat, 404mg sodium, 15g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 39g protein.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

5 Flat Tummy Myths (and 3 Steps to Tight Abs)

5 Flat Tummy Myths (and 3 Steps to Tight Abs)

Bathing suit season is right around the corner…are you ready?

Most people want to slim down before baring it all, so I'm here to warn you of the 5 Flat Tummy Myths that could waste your time:

Myth #1: Do extra crunches to flatten your abs.

Excessive crunches aren't the answer for tight abs. In order to achieve a toned look you'll have to focus on burning off the layer of fat that is covering up your tummy.
  • Tip: Don't obsess about crunches - instead focus on fat burning.
Myth #2: Take diet pills to speed results.

I know it's so tempting! The ads make compelling claims about the power of popping a pill, but don't fall for it. There is no ‘magic pill'. Diet pills are more likely to burn through your pocketbook than to slim you down.
  • Tip: Don't pop a pill - instead burn calories with intense exercise.
Myth #3: Turn to packaged diet products to boost results.

Don't fall for the foods that are packaged as ‘diet' or ‘weight loss' aids. Quite often these products are packed with refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that your body doesn't need, and certainly won't help you attain that tight tummy.
  • Tip: Don't eat packaged diet foods - instead stick with nutritious whole foods.
Myth #4: Avoid all carbohydrates in order to achieve tight abs.
Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap, which is unfortunate because you can (and should) eat carbs while slimming down. The key is to stick with whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars.
  • Tip: Don't give up all carbohydrates - instead stick with wholesome carbs.
Myth #5: Starve the chub away.

Trying to lose weight by starving yourself is not only ineffective it can also be dangerous. It may seem that severe calorie restriction would deliver the quickest weight loss, but your body is complex and by doing so you'll disrupt your metabolism and slow your results.
  • Tip: Don't starve yourself - instead eat small wholesome meals throughout the day.
Now that you know what not to do in order to achieve tight abs, it's time to go over your flat tummy game plan. Here's what you need to know in 3 simple steps:

Step One: No more junk.
The best way to do this is by purging your kitchen. Throw out the sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out, don't buy any more of it. Remember that your beach-ready abs depend on what you eat – don't eat junk!

Step Two: Eat whole foods.
Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple.

Step Three: Call me.
This is the most obvious step. You're ready to get into great shape and I'm in a unique position to make that happen for you. Call or reply to this email to get started on a plan that will get you those amazing abs


Friday, April 3, 2015

Mediterranean Turkey Kebabs

Mediterranean Turkey Kebabs
Here’s a great recipe for a busy weekday dinner. Ground turkey breast is mixed with Mediterranean spices to create flavorful, protein-packed kebabs. Serve with salad and vegetables and a side of plain Greek yogurt. Servings: 4

Here’s what you need:
  • 1 1/2 pounds turkey breast, de-boned, trimmed of skin and cut into thin strips
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup almond meal (more if needed)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • dash of salt (optional)
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh mint, finely chopped
  1. In a food processor, blend the turkey strips until ground. Add the remaining ingredients and pulse until well blended.
  2. Pre-heat your grill or grill pan.
  3. Lightly grease your hands, then press the meat into the wooden skewers until it covers about 3-4 inches in an elongated meatball shape. If the meat is not sticking then add some more almond meal.
  4. Grill for about 8 minutes per side.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 254 calories, 8g fat, 156mg sodium, 2g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 47g protein

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I was thinking about you

I was thinking about you

And of the habits that make you.

Do you eat the same thing for lunch, go through the same exercise routine, and fall into bed at the same time each night?

Or maybe you've made a habit out of eating whatever looks good, avoiding the gym, and staying up as late as possible.

John Dryden famously said, "We first make our habits, and then our habits make us."

Confucius said, "Men's natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them."

And Aristotle noticed that, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

It's pretty clear that the habits you adopt will shape who you are.

When it comes to your body, the two habits that define your physique are your eating and exercise habits. In fact, everyone that you know who is in great shape has dialed in these two important habits.

If you aren't happy with your body, then simply adjust your eating and exercise habits. Here's how to adopt a habit:

Making a Habit
Use these seven steps to create a life-improving habit.

1) Decide on the ONE habit that you would like to develop. It's tempting to pick up 3 or 4 healthy habits, but choosing just one new habit is realistic and doable.

Here are some healthy habit ideas:
  • Do not eat after 7pm each night.
  • Bring your lunch to work instead of eating fast food.
  • Exercise 4 times a week after work for 45 minutes each time.
  • Only eat fruits and veggies as your afternoon snack.
  • Get up early and exercise for an hour each morning.
  • Work with a personal trainer 3 times a week.
2) Write your new habit down on paper. Also include your 3 main motivators for developing this new habit, the obstacles you'll face, and your strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

Here's an example:
  • My new habit is to work with a personal trainer 3 times each week.
  • My 3 main motivators are 1) to feel confident in my bathing suit this summer, 2) to have more energy, and 3) to fit into my skinny jeans.
  • The obstacles I will face are 1) not having the energy to go to my session after work, 2) not having enough money to pay for sessions, and 3) not having my spouse's support.
  • I will overcome these obstacles by 1) doing my workouts before work instead of after work, so I have more energy, 2) cutting down on frivolous spending to ensure that I can afford it, and 3) asking my spouse to join me so we can get in shape together.
3) Commit fully to your new habit, in a public way. This could mean posting it on facebook, or simply announcing it at the dinner table. Put yourself in a position where you'll be embarrassed to give up on your new habit.

4) Keep track of your progress. You could keep a detailed journal or simply make a check mark on each calendar day that you successfully exercise your new habit.

5) Keep yourself publically accountable. This means either status updates on facebook or verbal status updates at the dinner table. Your friends and family are in a position to offer you support, so don't shy away from those close to you.

6) When you fail, figure out what went wrong so that you can plan around it in the future.

7) Reward yourself for your success.

Once your new habit becomes second nature, usually in about 30 days, feel free to add a second habit by going through the same 7 steps.

Need some help staying accountable to your fitness goals give me a call 704-208-9561 we will work together for you to achieve them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Egg White Chile Omelet

Egg White Chile Omelet
Here's a recipe to spice up your breakfast. Egg whites, fire-roasted green Chile and diced tomatoes create a tasty omelet that is bursting with flavor and packed with protein. Serve with a side of salsa and sliced avocado.
Servings: 2

Here's what you need...
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 3 small tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 2 (4oz) cans of fire-roasted, diced green chiles
  • 12 egg whites
  • 2 Tablespoons water
  • Non-stick cooking spray
  1. In a skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the tomatoes and chiles and cook until soft, about 3 minutes. Season with pepper and salt and set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl whisk the egg whites and water. Lightly coat a medium non-stick skillet with non-stick cooking spray and place over medium heat. Add 1/4 of the eggs and swirl to evenly coat the bottom of that pan. Cook until the eggs have set, about 2 minutes.
  3. Use a rubber scraper to lift the eggs up and let the runny uncooked egg flow underneath. Spoon 1/4 of the chile mixture onto half of the omelet, fold over, and slide onto a serving plate. Repeat with remaining egg whites and chile mixture.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 163 calories, 5g fat, 6g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 26g protein.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

13 reasons why you need exercise

13 reasons why you need exercise

Let's face it, some days you just don't feel like exercising.

You get too busy, too stressed and quite simply too tired.

But this shouldn't stop you from lacing up your shoes and heading out for a workout!

Here's a list of 13 of the top reasons to exercise. Pull out this list and read it when you need a reminder of why exactly exercise is worth your time...

1. To Prevent Disease
Exercise has been proven to reduce the risk of just about every single health problem known to man, from stroke to heart disease to cancer and osteoporosis. Exercise is also a great defense against type 2 diabetes, which is one of the most widely growing diseases of our time.

2. To Look Great
Exercise firms your body, improves posture and even makes your skin glow. Looking your best is a wonderful result of regular exercise.

3. To Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Exercise burns fat and prevents future fat storage. If you want to have a thinner, healthier body, exercise is the answer.

4. To Have More Energy
Anyone who exercises regularly will tell you that they are more energetic, less easily irritated and are more peaceful.

5. To Sleep Better
Exercise boosts energy levels, but also wears you out. It makes you feel more vibrant during the day and sleep better at night.

6. To Age Slower
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to fight aging. When you age your body loses muscle and bone, while the loss of both are drastically reduced with regular exercise. Exercise also helps reduce inflammation.

7. To Relieve Back Pain
In most cases, the best thing that you can do for back pain is to move and strengthen those muscles. Consult your physician or physical therapist for guidance.

8. To Ease Depression
Exercise has been proven to reduce depression – sometimes even as effectively as medication. Just chalk this up as yet another amazing benefit to exercise.

9. To Reduce Aches and Pains By strengthening muscles around your damaged joints you're able to use exercise to reduce joint pain and overall aches. Always consult your physician before starting an exercise program, especially if you have chronic joint pain.

10. To Stay Mentally Sharp Exercise has been shown to improve memory and other cognitive functions, and seems to have a protective effect against dementia. A Harvard University researcher called exercise “Miracle-Gro for the brain.”

11. To Enjoy Your Lifestyle
Whatever it is that you love in life – your kids, travel, sports, fashion—it is all more enjoyable when experienced in a fit and healthy body. Exercise so that you are able to enjoy all the great things in life.

12. To Reduce Sick Days
People who exercise regularly are 50% less likely to call in sick to work. A regular exercise program reduces colds and upper respiratory infections.

13. To Boost Confidence
Being fit, feeling healthy and having energy are all building blocks to having great confidence. There is no better confidence booster than sticking with a regular exercise program.

Regular exercise gives you so many amazing benefits, as you've seen from the above list. Call or email me today to get started on a program that will change your life forever.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps

Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps
This is an ultra-healthy meal that’s quick and easy to throw together. It’s high in protein, low in fat and contains lots of healthy fiber. Not to mention it tastes great, so dig right in! Yield: 2 servings

Here’s what you need...
  • 1 can albacore chunk tuna, packed in water
  • 2 Tablespoons finely chopped white onion
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1/2 apple, finely chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons nonfat mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon nonfat ranch salad dressing
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • 4 large lettuce leaves, washed
  • Pepper to taste
  1. Combine the tuna, onion, bell pepper, and apple in a medium bowl. In a small bowl mix the mayonnaise, ranch dressing and dill.
  2. Add the mayonnaise mixture to the tuna and mix until well combined.
  3. Arrange the lettuce leaves on two plates, and fill with tuna. Garnish with a dash of pepper.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 124 calories, 1.5g fat, 13g carbohydrate, 2.7g fiber, and 14g protein.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

What will you accept?

You only have yourself to blame
Question for you...whose fault is it that you’re out of shape?

If you go by what you see in the media then you probably believe that it’s anyone’s fault but yours. The big diet companies think that if they put the blame on you, then you wouldn’t buy their bogus pills. So they put the blame on your cortisol levels, your fast food diet, or your busy schedule instead of where it belongs - which is squarely on your shoulders.

Sure, you have obstacles that get in your way – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college...but ultimately you have the body that you accept.

I’m going to repeat that so it will really sink in.

You have the body that you accept.

Accepting the blame for your current body is not a bad thing – it’s actually quite empowering. Think about it. If it really wasn’t your fault, if it really was due to a long list of variables that you have zero control over, then you’d be stuck. You’d have no way to change.

Lucky for you, it’s your fault :) So you have the power to do something about it.

The Secret Behind ‘Before and After’ Pictures

Allow me to pull back the curtain for you on something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. You’ve seen countless before and after pictures documenting weight loss as a result of a diet product. Well, there is more involved than just the diet product, and it’s the same across the board.

Look into the eyes of any person in their before picture and you’ll see that they are disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they can accept.

They changed the body that they accept.

Now look into their eyes in the after picture – see the sweet satisfaction? They now own the body that they decided they could accept. And what a great feeling that is.

Your Time To Transform

Whether you realize it or not, you already posses everything you need to transform your body, but it all starts with taking responsibility for the body that you have today. You have your current body because until this moment you’ve been OK with it.

Oh sure, you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit, but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept. Here’s how to transform your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Get Disturbed

You’ve heard it said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to losing weight. Just like those folks in the before pictures, to transform your body you must first decide that you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.

It’s time to get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons that you must lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed!

Step Two: Get Focused

Without clarity it’s very hard to get where you want to go. Now that you’re disturbed with the body you have, it’s time to decide what the body you can accept looks like.

I want you to think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under those before and after pictures - "Suzy lost 25 lbs," "Mike lost 8 inches from his waist," "Jenny went from a size 18 to a size 6."

Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your after picture and visualize what the caption will read.

Step Three: Get Moving

The time spent between your inspiration (now) and your action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action - there is always something that you can do right now.

Don’t you agree that you’ll be happier living life in a fit, healthy and attractive body, rather than the body you have today? Of course you’ll be happier.

I’ve helped scores of clients just like you finally lose their unwanted weight.

I am here to take you from your before picture to your after picture, however, you need to bring something to the table – you need to make up your mind about what you’ll accept of yourself.

What will you accept?
